I am using Telerik Winform controls v.2010.1.10.504. When in debug mode, the project works fine and builds without any issues. When I create the exe and after I install it on the computer. I then get the attached errors when trying to load the program. I saw in another thread that I need to reference Telerik.WinControls.UI. When I view the references, I see that it is in there with the correct path as seen in the picture attached. Do you have any suggestions as to what the problem may be or any other trouble shooting techniques to fix this error?
I am using Telerik Winform controls v.2010.1.10.504. When in debug mode, the project works fine and builds without any issues. When I create the exe and after I install it on the computer. I then get the attached errors when trying to load the program. I saw in another thread that I need to reference Telerik.WinControls.UI. When I view the references, I see that it is in there with the correct path as seen in the picture attached. Do you have any suggestions as to what the problem may be or any other trouble shooting techniques to fix this error?