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Asp TextBox conflicting with Kendo Window

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Eric asked on 26 Sep 2012, 12:54 AM
Hi. I am having a little problem with kendo window, hope you guys can help me out.

I am developing an ASP.NET Web Forms application where i use some kendo controls with server controls. 
In this application I have a page where the user clicks in a button which will open a kendo window. This kendo window has an asp:TextBox (which will turn into a kendo datetimepicker) and a Save button. 

The problem is: when this textbox is inside the kendo window, it arrives on server side code without value.
When i comment the kendo window initialization code, everything works out just fine. 

Does the kendo window create another form or something?

My codes:

Window and textbox:
<div id="newSessionWindow">
<label for="sessionDate">Data da próxima sessão*</label><br />
<asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="sessionDate" ClientIDMode="Static"></asp:TextBox>
<br /><br />   
<asp:LinkButton runat="server" ID="SaveSession" Text="Salvar" CssClass="k-button" />

Initializing kendo window and kendo datetimepicker
// New Session Window
                     draggable: true,
                     appendTo: "#globalBody",
                     height: "110px",
                     modal: true,
                     resizable: false,
                     title: "Nova sessão",
                     width: "400px"
                     format: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm tt",
                     start: "month",
                     depth: "month",
                     min: new Date(year, month, day)

Handling the click event of the button who opens the kendo window:
$("#AddSession").click(function (e) {
 var newSession = $("#newSessionWindow").data("kendoWindow");;;

Best Regards!

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