I have an Angular2 Kendo MultiSelect componenet in my app. My business requirement is to list each selection per row instead of stacking them next to each other. How do I achieve this?
I did a search and found this thread. Implemented the proposed style by setting width to 100px but this would not work in my scenario because the multiselect selections are going to be longer than 100px.
One way that I found this to work with my multiselect is by setting width to 500px for the multiselect control. In that case it is dropping each item in its own row but the size of the multiselect is not taking the full width of the page.
How can i achieve each item per row with Kendo Multiselect length set to full width ?
I did a search and found this thread. Implemented the proposed style by setting width to 100px but this would not work in my scenario because the multiselect selections are going to be longer than 100px.
One way that I found this to work with my multiselect is by setting width to 500px for the multiselect control. In that case it is dropping each item in its own row but the size of the multiselect is not taking the full width of the page.
How can i achieve each item per row with Kendo Multiselect length set to full width ?