Hi guys,
I'm currently using Angular 1.5.x with Kendo UI Professional, the latest release (version 2016.2.504).
I have a kendo grid which uses row templates. In these row templates, I have a number of angular directive elements that is basically a wrapper around the Kendo combo box and a button. The kendo combo box is bound to a remote data source using the kendo.data.DataSource object. Whenever I attempt to add a new Row or remove an existing row from the Kendo grid, I think Kendo redraws everything in the grid and all of my angular elements get recreated so that each angular element with the remote data source goes through a DataBound event and calls the remote source again. This is highly inefficient is something that I want to avoid overall. I know that if I just use a plain old kendo combo box instead of my angular wrapper element, this doesn't happen, but that's not what I want. Can anyone help me with this? Is there some way I can stop the angular element from being recreated whenever I want to add a new row or remove an existing row from the Kendo grid?
Thanks in advance for the help!