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Always show decimal for whole number

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Daniel asked on 12 Mar 2021, 01:23 PM

If I have below code 

    min: 0.25,
    max: 20,
    decimals: 2,
    format: "#.00 years",
    spinners: true,
    restrictDecimals: true,
    step: 0.25


Using the spinners, if the value changes to a whole number (eg: 1, 2, 3, etc...), it shows "1", "2", etc...

I just wanted to display like "1.00", "2.00" while the input is still in focus. Is this possible?

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answered on 15 Mar 2021, 05:12 PM

Hi Daniel,

Thank you for your question.

Currently, this is not a built-in functionality of the Kendo UI NumericTextBox, but it's already submitted as a feature request in our portal feedback. You could follow the thread below to receive email notifications on status updates:

Also, you could review the suggested workaround in the following KB article:

In addition, I adjusted the example above, based on your code snippet. Check out the Dojo sample below:

If you have any other questions, please let me know.


Regards, Mihaela Lukanova Progress Telerik

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