Hello everyone,
I have a little problem with editing my grid and I hope you can help me.
I am currently developing a grid (Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC Grid) in which you can open another grid using a button at the end of the row. In this second grid it is possible to select one or more employees (Inline Editing with a DropDown) for the previous entry. In addition to the actual employee, there is another column where you can set a checkbox to "true" or "false". You can create a new entry with the button on the top left and you can edit or delete it with the two buttons on the right in the line.
Now to my question: My plan is that the name of the employee can only be changed when creating the entry. If you click on Edit, the name should no longer be editable, only the checkbox should be.
How exactly do I do this?
I had the idea to set the field "UserId" to .Editable(false) under .Model. But if I do that, I can neither change the value when creating nor when editing. When creating the entry, the drop-down menu for selecting an employee should be available, but not when editing.
In the attachments I have pictures showing the grid exactly.
Thanks in advance
.Columns(c =>
c.ForeignKey(m => m.UserId, (IEnumerable) ViewData["users"], "Id", "Name").EditorTemplateName("ProjectUserDropdown");
c.Bound(m => m.Resigned).ClientTemplate("<input type='checkbox' #= Resigned ? checked='checked' :'' # disabled='disabled' />");
c.Command(command =>
.ToolBar(t => t.Create())
.Events(events =>
events.Edit(@<text>function(e) { if(e.model.isNew()) { e.model.set('ProductionOrderId', @ViewData["productionOrderId"]); } else { $('[name="ProjectManagerId"]').attr("readonly", true); }} </text>);
.DataSource(s => s
.Create(c => c.Action("UserAssignmentAdd", "ProductionOrder", new {area = "Sktcrm"}))
.Read(r => r.Action("UserAssignmentRead", "ProductionOrder", new {area = "Sktcrm"}).Data(@<text>function(e) { return { productionOrderId: @ViewData["productionOrderId"] }; }</text>))
.Update(u => u.Action("UserAssignmentUpdate", "ProductionOrder", new {area = "Sktcrm"}))
.Destroy(d => d.Action("UserAssignmentDelete", "ProductionOrder", new {area = "Sktcrm"}))
.Model(m =>
m.Id(model => model.UserId);
//m.Field(t => t.UserId).Editable(false);