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All day event

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Scheduler and Reminder
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Bo asked on 10 Aug 2009, 08:31 AM
Why is always an all day event shown in all day row in radscheduler Q2 2009.
Is it possible to show it in hour row instead?

Before Q2 2009 it was possible. 

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Boyko Markov
Telerik team
answered on 11 Aug 2009, 06:49 AM
Hello Bo,

Thank you for writing in our forums. Let me explain how the layout logic for the appointments works:

1. If you have an appointment having duration >= 24 hours, then the appointment will be shown in the all day header area. This is by design and this logic is not changed since the first release of RadScheduler.

2. An appointment having duration < 24 hours is shown in the table area below the all day area.

We consider adding a new feature which will allow the users to hide the all day area. Then every appointment will be shown in the table area and appointments having duration over 24 hours will be of no significance.

This means that the answer of your question is no, all day events could only be shown in the all day area. 
However we will do our best to implement this new feature for one of the future releases of RadScheduler. Unfortunately there is no possible workaround at the moment.

Please write me back if you need more information.

Best wishes,
Boyko Markov
the Telerik team

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answered on 11 Aug 2009, 08:55 AM
Thanks for the answer.

I run the demo of scheduler in 2009 Q2 Sp1 (Trial version)
and all appointments >=23.5 hours is shown in the all day header area.
Boyko Markov
Telerik team
answered on 11 Aug 2009, 10:55 AM
Hi Bo,

I confirm this. This is a bug in the calculation of all day duration because we use Math.Round method and it will calculate 23.5 as 24. We will revise this behavior.

P.S. I have updated your points because of this bug report.

Kind regards,
Boyko Markov
the Telerik team

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answered on 12 Aug 2009, 08:14 PM
In the next release, would it be also possible to hide the hours and only keep the all day area?
Boyko Markov
Telerik team
answered on 13 Aug 2009, 08:02 AM
Hello Marc-Andre,

We will consider this feature. However our plans are to implement another feature -- the user can hide the all day area and then all appointments which are in the all day area are shown in the table area. Please write us back if you have any other questions.

Kind regards,
Boyko Markov
the Telerik team

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answered on 15 Sep 2009, 03:05 PM
Thanks, the logic is pretty simple. I wrote a software to manage shipping. Using the scheduler the way I described it, I could have a nice interface that mention all the shipping that are due for the day. In this case, I don't need to know the hours but only the work that has to be done during the day. It's easy to imagine all the other possibilities for such feature...

Boyko Markov
Telerik team
answered on 18 Sep 2009, 07:15 AM
Hello Marc-Andre,

You can do the following to exclude the time-part from the all day appointments:

1. Subscribe to the AppointmentFormatting event.

    this.radScheduler.AppointmentFormatting += new EventHandler<SchedulerAppointmentEventArgs>(radScheduler_AppointmentFormatting);
2. Check whether the current appointment's duration is over 1 day and modify AppointmentElement's formatting.

   void radScheduler_AppointmentFormatting(object sender, SchedulerAppointmentEventArgs e)
            if (Math.Round(e.Appointment.Duration.TotalDays) >= 1)
                e.AppointmentElement.TitleFormat = "{start:dd.MM} - {end:dd.MM} {summary} ({location})";

This will exclude the time-part from the all-day Appointments.
 If you want to exclude the date part you can use the following formatting string:  "{summary} ({location})"

I hope this helps.

Please contact us again if you need more information.

Kind regards,
Boyko Markov
the Telerik team

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answered on 18 Sep 2009, 01:11 PM
I will give it a try thanks for the help.

By the way, is there a way I can disable the double-click and right-click feature on the RadScheduler?

Thanks again
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answered on 22 Sep 2009, 09:43 PM
Hey Marc-Andre,

You can disable the context menu and edit appointment dialogs(double click) by setting them to null in their showing events.

        private void radScheduler1_ContextMenuShowing(object sender, Telerik.WinControls.UI.SchedulerContextMenuShowingEventArgs e) 
            e.ContextMenu = null
        private void radScheduler1_AppointmentEditDialogShowing(object sender, Telerik.WinControls.UI.AppointmentEditDialogShowingEventArgs e) 
            e.AppointmentEditDialog = null

More info on disabling the context menu:

More info on customizing the edit appointment dialog:

- Robert
Boyko Markov
Telerik team
answered on 24 Sep 2009, 06:14 AM
Hi Marc-Andre,,

Robert's solution demonstrates how to disable the context menu and the edit dialog.
Currently there is no way to disable the actual right click and double click events.

Please feel free to contact us if you need more information.

All the best,
Boyko Markov
the Telerik team

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Nadia Sangiovanni
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answered on 21 Apr 2010, 04:52 PM

I would like to show appointment >= 24 Hr in Hour Row instead of in the all day row in radscheduler.

Is the new feature which will allow the users to hide the all day area is avalable in Q1 2010 Release?

Boyko Markov
Telerik team
answered on 23 Apr 2010, 01:44 PM

No, Nadia, we did not manage to add this feature in the Q1 release of RadScheduler. We will do our best to implement it in the next release.

Do not hesitate to write us, if you need further information.

Kind regards,

Boyko Markov
the Telerik team

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Nadia Sangiovanni
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answered on 23 Apr 2010, 01:49 PM
I really need to show apointment in the table and not in the all day event.

Is there any way I can show the appointment in the table even if it's more then 24 hours? Maybe to create 2 appointments ...

Boyko Markov
Telerik team
answered on 29 Apr 2010, 08:58 AM
Thank you for your request, Nadia. I will increase the priority of this feature. However, we are not be able to provide it out of the box in the current version of RadScheduler. We will consider its implementation for the next major release.

Please do not hesitate, to contact us if you have any questions.

Sincerely yours,
Boyko Markov
the Telerik team

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Nadia Sangiovanni
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answered on 29 Apr 2010, 01:55 PM
When do you think this feature will be available?


Boyko Markov
Telerik team
answered on 05 May 2010, 11:01 AM

Hi Nadia Sangiovanni,

I am not able to give you a specific time-frame for this. We will do our best to implement it in one of the major releases.

All the best,

Boyko Markov
the Telerik team

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jon borchart
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answered on 13 Sep 2010, 07:59 PM
We also require >24hour display functionality.
Do you have a guess as to when it will be available.

Dobry Zranchev
Telerik team
answered on 16 Sep 2010, 03:57 PM
Hi jon borchart,

Thank you for writing.

Generally, we have plans to implement the desired feature, but we currently we do not have any specific time frame set for the development process.

If you have other questions, feel free to contact us.

Kind regards,
Dobry Zranchev
the Telerik team
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Sean Overman
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answered on 21 May 2011, 12:23 AM
Is showing appointments in the table area when the allday row is hidden available yet?  Can I vote on this in PITS?
Ivan Todorov
Telerik team
answered on 25 May 2011, 03:04 PM
Hi Sean,

Displaying appointments in the table area when the allday row is hidden has already been implemented.
To enable it, you need to hide the AllDayArea:
radScheduler1.GetWeekView().ShowAllDayArea = false;

I hope this helps. Feel free to contact us if you have any additional questions.

Ivan Todorov
the Telerik team
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Scheduler and Reminder
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Boyko Markov
Telerik team
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Top achievements
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Nadia Sangiovanni
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jon borchart
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Dobry Zranchev
Telerik team
Sean Overman
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Ivan Todorov
Telerik team
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