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Align majorgridlines with custom label template

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Daní asked on 06 Mar 2017, 08:31 AM


I have a line chart with a x-axis based on time. Since there are multiple measures for each month, I'm just showing the label for the first day of each month. But I'm having trouble with the majorGridLines property. If I set it to true, all the lines are shown (attached figure 1). Another possibility is to show the grid lines in steps of 30, but of course, since each month has a different number of days, some values are shown in the wrong x-axis label...

Is there a way to align the majorGridLines with the custom labels?

Here is my code:

samples.forEach((s:any) => =;
      clip: false,
      name: 'samples'
      name: 'samples',
      pane: 'samples',
      labels:  {
        visible: true,
        template: "#= value.getDate() == 1 ? kendo.toString(value, 'MMMM') : '' #",
        step: 1
      majorGridLines: {
        visible: true,
        //step: 30
      majorTicks: {
        visible: false
      minorGridLines: {
        visible: false
      justified: true,
      baseUnit: 'days'
      name: 'samples',
      pane: 'samples',
      visible: true
    let variables = Helpers.distinctInArray(samples, (i: MonitorSample) => i.variable);
    variables.forEach(v => {
      let filteredSamples = samples.filter(s => s.variable == v);
        name: v,
        type: 'line',
        line: {
          style: 'smooth'
        field: 'value',
        categoryField: 'date',
        axis: 'samples',
        categoryAxis: 'samples',
        data: filteredSamples,
        tooltip: {
          visible: true,
          template: '#=value# #=category#'

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answered on 08 Mar 2017, 07:16 AM
Hello DanĂ­,

By design, the majorGridLines are based on the set baseUnit and the majorTicks.

Currently, setting the step is the only option, but as noted there will be small misalignment between the labels and the majorGridLines.

Apologies for the inconvenience this may cause you.

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