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Ajax based Parameter values Suggest

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Mahipal asked on 10 Sep 2009, 11:40 PM

I have a large set (atleast a 50,000) of possible values for a parameter. Obviously it wouldn't be efficient to list all values at the intial load of the report. Instead I would like to suggest values (using ajax possibly) based on what the user is typing into the parameter textbox. (something like google suggest). Is this possible? Do you have an example?


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Telerik team
answered on 11 Sep 2009, 01:01 PM
Hi Mahipal,

The built-in parameters UI that comes with the viewer is meant to allow you handle basic scenarios. If you want to customize it, you would need to make the parameters UI Visible=false and provide your own UI for handling the filtering i.e. you can use ComboBox with load on demand for string params, dateTimePicker for datetime params etc.

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