I am trying to display a simple chart from remote data, but I'm having trouble with aggregates. For a table of people, I'd like to see a bar chart that shows the number of people in each role. I think the bottom-line question is, "where are the aggregates calculated?" Does the framework calculate them on the client side after the data has been returned from the server? In my ASPNet MVC controller, I can see the expected Kendo.Mvc.GroupDescriptor list and the Kendo.Mvc.IFilterDescriptor list populated correctly, but the Kendo.Mvc.AggregateDescriptor list is empty. Should it be? Also, the AggregateFunctions collection in the GroupDescriptor is also empty. Please advise.
var myDataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({
transport: {
prefix: "",
read: {
url: "/Team/TeamMembers",
type: "POST"
group: {
field: "personRole",
aggregates: [{
field: "personId",
aggregate: "count"
var myDataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({
transport: {
prefix: "",
read: {
url: "/Team/TeamMembers",
type: "POST"
group: {
field: "personRole",
aggregates: [{
field: "personId",
aggregate: "count"