We are trying to convert from using the normal kendo grid to using a tree list grid for one of our features.
With the normal grid when the footertemplate is executed it is provided the full set of aggregates from the datasource. This allows us to perform a calculation from two different aggregates and apply to custom html.
The tree list footertemplate is called with the aggregate for that column / field only, it is wrapped in a way that you cannot access the rest of the aggregate object even though they are available in the datasource. Because we are using shared templates it is not convenient to go to the datasource by #element to get the rest of the aggregates. The IIF that wraps the execution of the template is not called with the context of the datasource being 'this' so we are not able to get any more information but the individual field aggregate.
Why can't the two grids / datasources work the same way with footertemplates?