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AggregateExpression cast SUM(minutes) to TimeSpan

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Troy asked on 19 Sep 2014, 08:55 PM
Hi all,
I've got a column containing Minutes as an integer.  I'm trying to sum this and format it as a Time Span like hh:mm (no seconds or days).
I'm not too familiar with the AggregateExpression strings.
Is there a way to cast that aggregate into a timespan, either during or after the sum from within the expression?

I've got a group summary and a grand total that this needs to appear on.

summaryItem.Name = "TimeWorked"
summaryItem.AggregateExpression = "SUM(MinutesWorked)"
summaryItem.FormatString = "{0:hh}:{0:mm} = {0}"

TimeWorked column - string value formatted by database in hh:mm format
MinutesWorked column - integer value  - need Timespan.FromMinutes(...)
FormatString - the ' = {0}' at the end is for checking the value of the sum.

Currently, for example:     hh:mm = 2239
Hoping for:                        37:19 = 2239

Or is tackling this in the expression not possible? 
Or maybe as it loads into the column?
I've tried/am trying events also but hoping the 3 lines of code is do-able...


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answered on 24 Sep 2014, 12:58 PM
Hello Troy,

Thank you for writing.

In this case you should use the GroupSummaryEvaluate event and convert the sum to time span manually:
void radGridView1_GroupSummaryEvaluate(object sender, GroupSummaryEvaluationEventArgs e)
    if (e.SummaryItem.Name == "TimeWorked")
        TimeSpan span = TimeSpan.FromMinutes((long)e.Value);
        e.FormatString = String.Format("{0}:{1}", span.Hours, span.Minutes);

Let me know if you have additional questions.
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