I have an application which uses WCF Data Services OData service and works under Kendo UI 2013.1.319 with following syntax:
But as soon as I switched to new version of Kendo UI (2013.2.716) they stopped working.
Could you let me know what has been changed in new version of DataSource for supporting oData services and how should I modify my DataSource definition to work with new version of Kendo UI?
Ron Farko
I have an application which uses WCF Data Services OData service and works under Kendo UI 2013.1.319 with following syntax:
var clientsDataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({
type: "odata",
serverFiltering: true,
serverSorting: true,
transport: {
read: {
url: '@Url.Content("~/Services/DataService.svc/ActiveClients")',
headers: {
DataServiceVersion: "2.0",
MaxDataServiceVersion: "2.0"
schema: {
model: {
id: "RecId",
fields: {
DateStarted: { type: "date" },
Exported: { type: "boolean" },
filter: { field: "Inactive", operator: "eq", value: inactiveFilter },
sort: { field: "CustomerName", dir: "asc" },
Could you let me know what has been changed in new version of DataSource for supporting oData services and how should I modify my DataSource definition to work with new version of Kendo UI?
Ron Farko