Addig a GridViewTemplate to a RadGridView stops the DragAndDropService?

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Tibor asked on 26 Sep 2023, 08:32 AM | edited on 26 Sep 2023, 08:33 AM

The Drag & Drop service is working perfectly on my RadGridView until I add a GridViewTemplate to it with the intent to create a hierarchy view, after which the drag events aren't even fired anymore. Any ideas, please?


This is how I initialize the Drag & Drop behavior on my main DataGrid:


private void InitGrid()
            bt_addAttachment.Visible = false;
            BaseGridBehavior gridBehavior = this.radGridView1.GridBehavior as BaseGridBehavior;
            gridBehavior.RegisterBehavior(typeof(GridViewDataRowInfo), new CustomRowGridBehavior());

            //handle drag and drop events for the grid through the DragDrop service
            RadDragDropService svc = this.radGridView1.GridViewElement.GetService<RadDragDropService>();
            svc.PreviewDragStart += svc_PreviewDragStart;
            svc.PreviewDragDrop += svc_PreviewDragDrop;
            svc.PreviewDragOver += svc_PreviewDragOver;        

        //required to initiate drag and drop when grid is in bound mode
        private void svc_PreviewDragStart(object sender, PreviewDragStartEventArgs e)
            e.CanStart = true;

        private void svc_PreviewDragOver(object sender, RadDragOverEventArgs e)
            if (e.DragInstance is GridDataRowElement)
                e.CanDrop = e.HitTarget is SchedulerCellElement;

        private void svc_PreviewDragDrop(object sender, RadDropEventArgs e)
            SchedulerCellElement schedulerCell = e.HitTarget as SchedulerCellElement;
            if (schedulerCell == null)
                //DayViewAllDayHeader allDay = (this.radScheduler1.SchedulerElement.ViewElement as SchedulerDayViewElement).AllDayHeaderElement;
                //schedulerCell = SchedulerUIHelper.GetCellAtPoint(e.DropLocation, allDay.Children);
            if (schedulerCell == null)
            GridDataRowElement draggedRow = e.DragInstance as GridDataRowElement;
            if (draggedRow == null)

            DataRowView dataRowView = draggedRow.Data.DataBoundItem as DataRowView;
            if (dataRowView != null)
                if (draggedRow.GridControl.DataSource != null && typeof(BindingSource).IsAssignableFrom(draggedRow.GridControl.DataSource.GetType()))
                    Appointment appointment = new Appointment();
                    appointment.Start = (DateTime)draggedRow.RowInfo.Cells["Start"].Value;
                    appointment.End = (DateTime)draggedRow.RowInfo.Cells["End"].Value;
                    //adjust start/end according to target cell
                    appointment.End = schedulerCell.Date.AddMinutes(appointment.Duration.TotalMinutes);
                    appointment.Start = schedulerCell.Date;
                    appointment.Summary = string.Empty + draggedRow.RowInfo.Cells["Summary"].Value;
                    appointment.Description = string.Empty + draggedRow.RowInfo.Cells["Description"].Value;
                    appointment.Location = string.Empty + draggedRow.RowInfo.Cells["Location"].Value;
                    appointment.StatusId = (int)draggedRow.RowInfo.Cells["StatusId"].Value;
                    appointment.BackgroundId = (int)draggedRow.RowInfo.Cells["BackgroundId"].Value;

                    throw new ApplicationException("Unhandled Scenario");


Which is working perfectly until I add this piece of code to it:


///attachments sub-row initialization
GridViewTemplate attachmentsTemplate = new GridViewTemplate();
attachmentsTemplate.AutoGenerateColumns = false;            
attachmentsTemplate.HierarchyDataProvider = new GridViewEventDataProvider(attachmentsTemplate);

GridViewTextBoxColumn columnMainJobID = new GridViewTextBoxColumn();
columnMainJobID.TextAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
columnMainJobID.FieldName = "MainJobID";
columnMainJobID.IsVisible = false;



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Nadya | Tech Support Engineer
Telerik team
answered on 27 Sep 2023, 11:46 AM

Hello, Tibor,

RadGridView handles the whole drag-and-drop operation by its RadGridViewDragDropService. If I understand you correctly, you would like to create a hierarchy grid. You can achieve drag-drop functionality with a hierarchy grid as well. I reviewed the provided code snippets and noticed that you added a GridViewTemplate and added it to RadGridView.Templates collection.

However, according to the provided code snippet it is not clear whether you define a GridViewRelation. Could you please clarify if the hierarchy grid set up is correct on your side? It is important to add a GridViewRelation which makes a relation between the grid's templates. Please refer to the following article where you can see how the relation is made when adding a child template to build a hierarchy grid: Object Relational Hierarchy Mode - WinForms GridView Control - Telerik UI for WinForms 

For your reference, I have prepared a sample project with a hierarchical grid and drag-drop service. If you are still experiencing any further difficulties, I would kindly ask you to modify the project in a way to replicate the undesired behavior. Thus, we would be able to make an adequate analysis of the problem and assist you further. Thank you in advance.

I hope this information helps. If you have any additional questions, please let me know. 

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