Does anybody know how can I add a confirmation pop-up on re-size event, and cancel changes when the user click cancel button?.
The sample scenario is like this:
Does anybody know how can I add a confirmation pop-up on re-size event, and cancel changes when the user click cancel button?.
The sample scenario is like this:
- when the user resize an event/schedule, a pop-up window will display with a message saying.. "Re-sizing this event will update the time range." with a two button which is "Ok" and "Cancel".
- So, when the user click "Ok" re-size will do his function as default which update the event/schedule
- else, if the user click the "Cancel", re-sizing of event/schedule will be cancelled.. means cancel any changes to the schedule.
I know how to pop-up the window.. but I can't figure it out how to cancel changes when user click the "Cancel button".