I'm trying to add a class to the kendo treelist arrow based on the data in the grid, however when I expand a row now, the class disappears for this and all other rows. How can I retain that class? Here is a dojo with an example. In the dojo, you will notice that if the person's name is not "Guy Wooten", they get a class of "maroon". That is then used to turn the drop arrow red. As soon as you click the person, the arrow turns black. I need it to stay red. You'll also notice that none of the subsequent ones have the red anymore either. How do I fix that?
Note: Neither versions 2022 or 2024 work correctly, but in 2022, the subsequent rows keep their class.
Hi Lee,
This is a valid approach you have found. If you have the time you can share the code here so the community benefits from it.