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Adaptive Rendering Grid MVC

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Craig asked on 20 Oct 2014, 08:37 PM
Hi. I am trying to implement the Kendo grid using adaptive rendering as I have an MVC view dedicated to mobile. When it renders, it behaves strangely in that the columns extend past the viewport and you must swipe to the right in order to see the columns. I'd expect the user to have to scroll like the HTML5 example. From what I see, there is no example using MVC but I'm using .Mobile() which is supposed to work I think. Please guide me in what I might need to do/provide an example using MVC. Thanks.

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answered on 21 Oct 2014, 02:04 PM
I figured it out by checking this page out:

Apparently I needed to set column widths and enable scrolling. Below is the snippet where I received my information.

ScrollingGrid scrolling is enabled by default (except for the MVC wrapper, for historical reasons). Scrolling can be disabled by setting the scrollableoption to false.Enabling scrolling does not guarantee that scrollbars will appear. This is because scrolling makes sense and works together with set dimensions.To achieve vertical scrolling, the Grid must have a set height. Otherwise, it will expand vertically to show all rows.To achieve horizontal scrolling, all columns must have set widths and their sum must exceed the Grid width. Otherwise widthless columns will shrink to fit in the space determined by the Grid's width.Scenarios 1. and 2. can be controlled independently.
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