I am opening a template via the Popup Editor on a Kendo Grid. I would like to be able to access the Model to conditionally render markup depending on the value of a property.
Here is a partial view of the html in the template:
@Html.HiddenFor(m => m.IsCopy)
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center"><h4 class="text-info"> Pipe Details
@{if (Model.IsCopy == true)
@Html.Label("Copy", new { id = "lblCopy", style = "display:none; color:red" })
When I inspect in the browser, the hidden field IsCopy is true:
<input name="IsCopy" id="IsCopy" type="hidden" value="true" data-val-required="The IsCopy field is required." data-val="true" data-bind="value:IsCopy">
But the html for Label "Copy does not render.
9 Answers, 1 is accepted
In my Grid I have a custom command to Copy a record. I am opening the record for edit in a popup editor by calling the editRow jquery function. Once the Update button is clicked, I create a new record with the updated fields in the Controller and issue this return back to the Grid:
return Json(new[] { p }.ToDataSourceResult(request, ModelState));
The problem is that a new record is not created but rather the record I was trying to copy is overwritten in the Grid.
Can someone suggest a better way to effect this copy?
I tried using the jquery command addRow instead of editRow but that sends an empty Model to the popup editor rather than a populated Model which can be edited...
I appreciate any suggestions!
More info:
This almost works but as stated above, the only problem is that the row selected is updated rather than a new row being added to the Datasource.
How can I add a new row in javascript and set it as the edit row?
Here is my custom command javascript function:
function CopyRec(e) {
var grid = $('#gridPipe').data('kendoGrid');
var selectedItem = this.dataItem($(e.currentTarget).closest("tr"));
var newItem = selectedItem;
newItem.id = 0;
newItem.IsCopy = true;
newItem.PartNum = "AutoGenerate";
newItem.Description = "AutoGenerate";
id: newItem.id,
MaterialId: { defaultValue: 0},
PartNum: { defaultValue: "AutoGenerate" },
ClientPartNum: { defaultValue: "AutoGenerate" },
OuterDiameter: { defaultValue: selectedItem.OuterDiameter },
WallThickness: { defaultValue: selectedItem.WallThickness },
Specification: { defaultValue: selectedItem.Specification },
Grade: { defaultValue: selectedItem.Grade },
SeamType: { defaultValue: selectedItem.SeamType },
Coating1: { defaultValue: selectedItem.Coating1 },
Coating2: { defaultValue: selectedItem.Coating2 },
AdditionalInfo: { defaultValue: selectedItem.AdditionalInfo }
When this javascript executes, the Create function is triggered in the Controller - yay! But after update code executes the selected row is updated in the DataSource - boohoo...
Please check out the sample below that illustrates how you can copy the selected row in the Grid widget and place it in edit mode.
Give the approach a try and let me know how it works for you.
Viktor Tachev
Progress Telerik
Hi Viktor,
This works like a charm except there is a strange thing happening in this scenario:
If I test an edit as the first action - the existing record is updated in the Update Action in the Controller.
If I do an edit as a subsequent action (after doing a copy or a create command) - the Create Action in the Controller gets fired AND then the Update Action in the Controller gets fired too! It fires 2 times...
Any ideas what is causing this?
I figured out the problem...The row id was still 0 after an Add or Copy. Once I gave the newly created row an id, this "scenario" outlined above stopped happening.
Thank you again for all your help with this!
I found a bug. When you go to the last page and copy the last record, the copy is indeed added to the grid at item 0 BUT the popup editor opens item 0 for edit of the page you are on and not the record you selected for copy.
Is there a way to add page to the "grid.editRow(grid.items()[0]);"
Also, if you click cancel in the popup Editor, the record that you copied is still in the grid.
How can I capture the Cancel command to remove it from the grid?
Thank you,
Hi again Viktor,
I solved the above issue of the copy opening the popup Editor on the wrong record by changing the code you specify in your Dojo as follows:
//grid.editRow(grid.items()[0]); <<<<replace this line with below
var dataItem = grid.dataSource.at(0);
Seems to work. Seems to resolve the cancel issue too.
Hoping this helps someone...