Posted 9 hours ago (permalink)
hello, well I tested the demo of your product working with the listview control by the database
radlistview1.DataSource = dt
dt.Columns radlistview1.DisplayMember = (1). ToString
and post pictures in the ItemDataBound event to perfect the problem there is that I require key press selects the first item that Start with good lyrics that I hope your help thanks.
I tried this and nothing
For i = 0 To ViewVideos.Items.Count - 1
If ViewVideos.Items (i). Text = "sauce" Then
ViewVideos.SelectedIndex = i
MsgBox (i)
End If
radlistview1.DataSource = dt
dt.Columns radlistview1.DisplayMember = (1). ToString
and post pictures in the ItemDataBound event to perfect the problem there is that I require key press selects the first item that Start with good lyrics that I hope your help thanks.
I tried this and nothing
For i = 0 To ViewVideos.Items.Count - 1
If ViewVideos.Items (i). Text = "sauce" Then
ViewVideos.SelectedIndex = i
MsgBox (i)
End If