I have a column chart which does not show the legend even though I have set legend.Visible to true. If I uncomment the .Group line commented in the code below, then the legend starts showing, but unfortunately it displays the default colors rather than those I have customised with
I have a column chart which does not show the legend even though I have set legend.Visible to true. If I uncomment the .Group line commented in the code below, then the legend starts showing, but unfortunately it displays the default colors rather than those I have customised with
m => m.UiColor
.Legend(legend => legend
.DataSource(ds => ds
.Read(read => read
//.Group(g => g.Add(m => m.Status))
.Series(series => series.Column(m => m.Count, m => m.UiColor).Name(
.CategoryAxis(axis => axis
.Categories(m => m.Status)