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2 type of e on databind

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Roel asked on 01 Mar 2021, 12:47 PM


At the moment I have no items in the Scheduler. After investigating I came to the conclusion there are 2 types of e given from the scheduler. I know because I handled the databound like this:

function scheduler_dataBinding(e) {

When I do so I have the following log in the console shown in the attachement.

I think that because of the second databound, there are no items in the scheduler.

Kind regards,

Roel Alblas


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answered on 04 Mar 2021, 08:58 AM

Hi Roel,

The dataBinding event is fired before the widget binds to its data source while the dataBound event is fired when the widget is bound to data from its data source. Both events provide a reference to the widget instance that fired the event. Your observation is also correct, that the dataBinding event provides additional data, depending on the action that triggered the event. I have modified the Events Scheduler Demo in this dojo to log additional data and you will note in the console that the dataBinding event is fired as a result of different actions, for example for adding or removing an item, syncing syncing changes, resizing, changing views etc. and provides relevant information on the action. This way you can execute custom logic when the databinding is triggered as result from adding an item, for example.

I hope this clarifies the observed behavior. Let me know if you have any additional quesitons.

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