Telerik blogs

Last week, we announced Fiddler 4.5, the biggest update to Fiddler in years. This week, I’m excited to announce several new Telerik offerings that will enable organizations to get even more out of the Fiddler suite of products.

First…Don’t Panic!

In today’s tl;dr culture, let me first say that what I’m describing today are new options for Fiddler customers; nothing has changed in how we update, deliver or support Fiddler. As we promised back in 2012 when Telerik acquired Fiddler, Fiddler for Windows remains free to download and use, forever. The options introduced in this post are for organizations who need more from us.

New: Enterprise Support

Our first offering is a Priority Enterprise Support subscription for Fiddler, priced on a per-user basis. If Fiddler is mission-critical for your business, subscribe and get priority responses to your support questions in 24 hours or less. We’ll get you unblocked as quickly as possible with suggestions, workarounds and fixes, as appropriate.

New: Flexible FiddlerCore Licensing

Our second new offering expands the available licensing for the FiddlerCore .NET Library. If you haven’t heard of it, FiddlerCore allows you to build the core proxy engine of Fiddler directly into your application without any of Fiddler’s UI. The possibilities are broad, from building website or webservice testing frameworks to redistributable commercial applications that can capture, modify, replay and save Web traffic.

Three licenses are now available: an Educational License, an Internal Applications license, for use inside applications distributed within your organization, and a Commercial Applications license, for use inside applications that you redistribute to anyone you like. You can read more about these licenses here.

Register Now: TelerikNext Conference

Registration for Telerik’s developer conference, TelerikNext, is open now. Register before April 17 to get the early-bird rate.

My talk on all the latest Fiddler and Fiddler goodies will be on Tuesday, May 5. I hope to meet many of you there!

Coming Soon: Fiddler

As the latest Fiddler update rolls out to users worldwide, we’re hard at work on the next update, which includes bugfixes, feature improvements and recognition of Microsoft’s latest browser, Project Spartan. Stay tuned!


Thanks for your support—

Eric Lawrence


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