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Keyboard Navigation

The keyboard navigation of the Stepper is always available.

The Stepper widget itself is not focusable, as the links within the widget are part of the tab sequence on the page. Thus, when navigating with the Tab key, the selected Step will be focused within the Stepper widget. For a complete example, refer to the demo on keyboard navigation of the Stepper.

Kendo UI Stepper supports the following keyboard shortcuts:

Left arrow or Up arrow or Shift+TabFocuses previous Step
Right arrow or Down arrow or TabFocuses next Step
HomeFocuses first Step
EndFocuses last Step
EnterSelects the focused Step
SpaceSelects the focused Step
TabTo move the focus away from the Stepper select last step and press Tab
Shift+TabTo move the focus away from the Stepper select first step and press Shift+Tab

When using keyboard navigation the focusing and selecting behavior of the Stepper can be configured via the selectOnFocus configuration option. By default this option is disabled and additional action is required by the user to select the focused step.

See Also

In this article
See Also
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