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Security Trimming

The Telerik UI PanelBar has a built-in security trimming functionality which is enabled by default.

If the URL to which the PanelBar item points is not authorized, the item is hidden.

Security trimming depends on the ASP.NET MVC Authorization. Every action method which is decorated with AuthorizeAttribute checks whether the user is authorized and allows or forbids the request. For more information, refer to the article on ASP.NET MVC Authorization.

The PanelBar hides an item if the OnAuthorization method returns HttpUnauthorizedResult.

For more information on using a custom AuthorizeAttribute, refer to this article.

Known Limitations

The Security Trimming functionality of the component is supported when using Items Binding or SiteMap Binding and the path for an item is provided via the Action() overloads that accept a Controller name, Action name and/or RouteValueDictionary as parameters. The functionality is not supported when using Ajax binding and defining a DataUrlField.

The example below demonstrates how to configure the PanelBar component and its items, so the Security Trimming functionality works as expected:

        .Items(data =>
            data.Add().Text("About").Action("About", "Home"); // item will be visible as endpoint is accessible.
            data.Add().Text("Info").LoadContentFrom("Info", "Home"); // item will be visible as content endpoint is accessible.
            data.Add().Text("Details").Action("Details", "Home"); // item will be hidden for non-authorized users.
            data.Add().Text("Important Details").LoadContentFrom("ImportantDetails", "Home"); // item will be hidden for non-authorized users as access to content endpoint is restricted.
            data.Add().Text("Details as url").Url("~/Home/Details"); // unsupported scenario - item won't be trimmed, even though endpoint is inaccessible.
            data.Add().Text("Important Details as url").LoadContentFrom("~/Home/ImportantDetails"); // unsupported scenario - item won't be trimmed, even though content endpoint is inaccessible.

See Also

In this article
Known LimitationsSee Also
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