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You can configure the items of the ScrollView by using plain HTML and CSS, by setting a dynamic template, or by using a no-item template.
HTML Template
The following example demonstrates how to use HTML templates to set the ScrollView items.
.Items(x =>
x.Add().Content("<div class='photo photo1'></div>");
x.Add().Content("<div class='photo photo2'></div>");
x.Add().Content("<div class='photo photo3'></div>");
x.Add().Content("<div class='photo photo4'></div>");
x.Add().Content("<div class='photo photo5'></div>");
x.Add().Content("<div class='photo photo6'></div>");
x.Add().Content("<div class='photo photo7'></div>");
x.Add().Content("<div class='photo photo8'></div>");
x.Add().Content("<div class='photo photo9'></div>");
x.Add().Content("<div class='photo photo10'></div>");
.HtmlAttributes(new { style = "height:748px; width:1022px; max-width: 100%;" })
Dynamic Template
The ScrollView allows for configuring a dynamic template which loops through all of its data items.
.DataSource(d =>
.Transport(t => t.Read(r => r.Url("")))
.HtmlAttributes(new { style = "height:600px; width:890px; max-width: 100%;" })
No-Item Template
The following example demonstrates how to set a template when no ScrollView items will be displayed.