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Visual Basic Syntax

When you use lambda expressions and anonymous types inside the helper declarations, you have to apply the correct Visual Basic (VB) syntax.

While the Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC helpers can be initialized with VB syntax, we recommend using the C# syntax instead. Following Microsoft's announcement that VB will not be evolved as a language, and because of the minimal VB usage in Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC, we've decided to provide MVC resources only in C#. As a result, the Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC documentation, demos, Visual Studio templates, sample projects and examples provided in the forums and in the Support Ticketing system will only use C#.

The following example demonstrates how to use the VB syntax in the Editor.


    Html.Kendo().Editor() _
    .Name("Editor") _
    .HtmlAttributes(New With {.style = "width: 740px;height:440px"}) _
    .Value(Sub()@<text><p>Hellow World!</p></text> End Sub) _
                                      items.Add("Garamond", "garamond")
                                      items.Add("Verdana", "verdana")
                              End Sub)
                                          cb.ToolTip("horizontal rule")
                                                          Return "function(e) { alert('exec'); }"
                                                  End Function)
                                  End Sub)
                                            ct.Template("<span>custom template</span>")
                                    End Sub)
           End Sub) _

End Code

The following example demonstrates how to use the VB syntax in the TabStrip.


    Dim tab As Kendo.Mvc.UI.Fluent.TabStripBuilder = Html.Kendo().TabStrip().Name("TabStrip1")

    tab.Items(Function(f) f.Add().Text("tab 1").Content(Sub()
                            @<text>HTML content</text>
                                                        End Sub))
    tab.Items(Function(f) f.Add().Text("tab 2").Selected(True).Content("<div>HTML content</div>"))

End Code

    Html.Kendo().TabStrip() _
        .Name("TabStrip2") _
        .Items(Function(tabstrip) tabstrip.Add().Text("tab text") _
            .Selected(True) _
            .Content(Sub()@<text>html content</text>
                    End Sub)) _
End Code

@(Html.Kendo().TabStrip() _
    .Name("TabStrip3") _
    .Items(Function(tabstrip) tabstrip.Add().Text("tab text") _
    .Selected(True) _
    .Content("string content")))

The following example demonstrates how to use the VB syntax in the Grid.

    Html.Kendo().Grid(Of TelerikMvcAppVB.Person)() _
        .Name("Grid") _
            c.Bound(Function(p) p.PersonID)
            c.Bound(Function(p) p.PersonName)
            c.Bound(Function(p) p.PersonBirthDate)
                        @<text>server template</text>
                                End Sub).Title("Template column").ClientTemplate("client template")
                 End Sub) _
        .Pageable() _
        .Sortable() _
        .Filterable() _
            d.Ajax() _
            .Read(Function(read) read.Action("Person_Read", "GridList")) _
                    m.Id(Function(i) i.PersonID)
                    m.Field(Function(p) p.PersonBirthDate).Editable(False)
                    End Sub)
            End Function) _
End Code

The following example demonstrates alternative ToolBar configurations.

                 t.Template("template as a string")
         End Function) _

                                @<text>server template</text>
                            End Sub)
         End Function) _

The following example demonstrates how to use the VB syntax with the Cotroller.

Imports Kendo.Mvc.Extensions
Imports Kendo.Mvc.UI

Public Class HomeController
    Inherits System.Web.Mvc.Controller

    Function Person_Read(<DataSourceRequest> request As DataSourceRequest) As ActionResult
        Dim grades = New List(Of Person)()
        grades.Add(New Person() With {
         .PersonID = 1,
         .PersonName = "Person1",
         .PersonBirthDate = New DateTime(Now.Year, Now.Month, Now.Day, 10, 30, 0, 0)
        grades.Add(New Person() With {
         .PersonID = 2,
         .PersonName = "Person2",
         .PersonBirthDate = New DateTime(Now.Year, Now.Month, Now.Day, 11, 15, 0, 0)
        Dim res As IQueryable(Of Person) = grades.AsQueryable()
        Dim res1 As DataSourceResult = res.ToDataSourceResult(request)
        Return Json(res1)
    End Function

End Class

The following example demonstrates how to use the VB syntax with the Model.

Public Class Person
    Public Property PersonID As Integer
    Public Property PersonName As String
    Public Property PersonBirthDate As DateTime
End Class

The following example demonstrates how to use the VB syntax with editor templates.

@ModelType Nullable(Of Integer)

    Html.Kendo().NumericTextBoxFor(Function(m) m) _
      .HtmlAttributes(New With {.style = "width:100%"}) _
End Code

See Also

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