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Label Overview

The Label enables you to associate the label HTML element with the NumericTextBox.

Basic Usage

To associate a NumericTextBox with a Label, set the content property of the label.

Initializing the Label for NumericTextBox

The Label exposes a content property that sets the inner HTML of the label.

The below example demonstrates how to create a Label from a string.

        .Label(l => l.Content("Price"))

The below example demonstrates how to create a Label from a function. The function context (available via the this keyword) will be set to the widget instance.

            .Label(l => l.ContentHandler("labelContentHandler"))
        function labelContentHandler() {
            return "Price"

Floating Label

The Floating Label enables you to provide a floating label functionality to the NumericTextBox.

The following example demonstrates how to set a Floating Label for a NumericTextBox.

           .Label(label =>

If set to true, the component will be wrapped in a container that will allow the floating label functionality.

Important: The value client-side method does not trigger the focusout event of the input.

This could affect the floating label functionality. You can overcome this behavior by manually invoking the refresh method of the Floating Label: $("#numerictextbox").data("kendoNumericTextBox").floatingLabel.refresh();

See Also