


Defines whether the Step is enabled or not. By default all steps are enabled.


value - System.Boolean

The value that configures the enabled.


                        .Steps(s =>
                            s.Add().Label("Personal Info").Icon("user").Enabled(false);


Defines whether the Step is in error state (is invalid). By default all steps are valid.


value - System.Boolean

The value that configures the error.


                        .Steps(s =>
                            s.Add().Label("Personal Info").Icon("user").Error(false);


Defines a name of an existing icon in the Kendo UI theme sprite. The icon will be displayed in the indicator element of that Step. For a list of available icon names, please refer to the Web Font Icons article.


value - System.String

The value that configures the icon.


                        .Steps(s =>
                            s.Add().Label("Personal Info").Icon("user");


The template used to render the icon in the indicator of the step.The fields which can be used in the template are: label String - the label set on the step; icon String - the icon specified for this step (if any); successIcon String - the successIcon specified for this step (if any); enabled Boolean - indicates whether the step is enabled (true) or disabled (false); error Boolean - indicates whether the step has error (true) or not (false); selected Boolean - indicates whether the step is selected; previous Boolean - indicates whether the step is before the currently selected or not; index Number - a zero-based index of the current step; isFirstStep Boolean - indicates whether the step is the initial one in the Stepper; isLastStep Boolean - indicates whether the step is the last one in the Stepper; indicatorVisible Boolean - indicates whether the indicator, which holds the icon should be displayed or not or labelVisible Boolean - indicates whether the label section of the step should be displayed or not.


value - System.String

The value that configures the icontemplate.


                        .Steps(s =>
                            s.Add().Label("Personal Info").Icon("user").IconTemplate("content");


The template used to render the icon in the indicator of the step.The fields which can be used in the template are: label String - the label set on the step; icon String - the icon specified for this step (if any); successIcon String - the successIcon specified for this step (if any); enabled Boolean - indicates whether the step is enabled (true) or disabled (false); error Boolean - indicates whether the step has error (true) or not (false); selected Boolean - indicates whether the step is selected; previous Boolean - indicates whether the step is before the currently selected or not; index Number - a zero-based index of the current step; isFirstStep Boolean - indicates whether the step is the initial one in the Stepper; isLastStep Boolean - indicates whether the step is the last one in the Stepper; indicatorVisible Boolean - indicates whether the indicator, which holds the icon should be displayed or not or labelVisible Boolean - indicates whether the label section of the step should be displayed or not.


value - System.String

The value that configures the icontemplate.


                        .Steps(s =>
                             s.Add().Label("Personal Info").Icon("user").IconTemplateId("id");


The template used to render the icon in the indicator of the step.The fields which can be used in the template are: label String - the label set on the step; icon String - the icon specified for this step (if any); successIcon String - the successIcon specified for this step (if any); enabled Boolean - indicates whether the step is enabled (true) or disabled (false); error Boolean - indicates whether the step has error (true) or not (false); selected Boolean - indicates whether the step is selected; previous Boolean - indicates whether the step is before the currently selected or not; index Number - a zero-based index of the current step; isFirstStep Boolean - indicates whether the step is the initial one in the Stepper; isLastStep Boolean - indicates whether the step is the last one in the Stepper; indicatorVisible Boolean - indicates whether the indicator, which holds the icon should be displayed or not or labelVisible Boolean - indicates whether the label section of the step should be displayed or not.


value - System.Web.Mvc.MvcHtmlString

The value that configures the icontemplate.


                        .Steps(s =>
                            s.Add().Label("Personal Info").Icon("user").IconTemplateView(Html.Partial("IconTemplateView"));


The template used to render the icon in the indicator of the step.The fields which can be used in the template are: label String - the label set on the step; icon String - the icon specified for this step (if any); successIcon String - the successIcon specified for this step (if any); enabled Boolean - indicates whether the step is enabled (true) or disabled (false); error Boolean - indicates whether the step has error (true) or not (false); selected Boolean - indicates whether the step is selected; previous Boolean - indicates whether the step is before the currently selected or not; index Number - a zero-based index of the current step; isFirstStep Boolean - indicates whether the step is the initial one in the Stepper; isLastStep Boolean - indicates whether the step is the last one in the Stepper; indicatorVisible Boolean - indicates whether the indicator, which holds the icon should be displayed or not or labelVisible Boolean - indicates whether the label section of the step should be displayed or not.


value - System.String

The value that configures the icontemplate.


                        .Steps(s =>
                            s.Add().Label("Personal Info").Icon("user").IconTemplateHandler("handler");


The template used to render the icon in the indicator of the step.The fields which can be used in the template are: label String - the label set on the step; icon String - the icon specified for this step (if any); successIcon String - the successIcon specified for this step (if any); enabled Boolean - indicates whether the step is enabled (true) or disabled (false); error Boolean - indicates whether the step has error (true) or not (false); selected Boolean - indicates whether the step is selected; previous Boolean - indicates whether the step is before the currently selected or not; index Number - a zero-based index of the current step; isFirstStep Boolean - indicates whether the step is the initial one in the Stepper; isLastStep Boolean - indicates whether the step is the last one in the Stepper; indicatorVisible Boolean - indicates whether the indicator, which holds the icon should be displayed or not or labelVisible Boolean - indicates whether the label section of the step should be displayed or not.


template - TemplateBuilder<TModel>

A Template component that configures the icontemplate.


                        .Steps(s =>
                            s.Add().Label("Personal Info").IconTemplate(Html.Kendo().Template().AddHtml("<b>Content</b>"));


Defines the label (text) of the Step.


value - System.String

The value that configures the label.


                        .Steps(s =>
                            s.Add().Label("Personal Info").Icon("user");


Defines whether the Step is selected.


value - System.Boolean

The value that configures the selected.


                        .Steps(s =>
                            s.Add().Label("Personal Info").Icon("user").Selected(true);


Defines a name of an existing icon in the Kendo UI theme sprite. The icon will be displayed in the indicator element of that Step, when the step is a previous one and it does not have an error. For a list of available icon names, please refer to the Web Font Icons article.


value - System.String

The value that configures the successicon.


                        .Steps(s =>
                            s.Add().Label("Personal Info").SuccessIcon("user");