How to Evaluate a Site's Web Performance Techniques Using Fiddler Everywhere
In this video, you'll learn how you can use Fiddler Everywhere to evaluate the web performance techniques for a site. You'll learn what can improve the performance of a site, and how different performance techniques work or don't, and how to tell if a site is using them with the help of Fiddler Everywhere. ---- Make sure you're following along with Robert Boedigheimer in his Fiddler Everywhere tutorial series:
➡️Catch the first video here, covering How to Simulate Hard to Show Web Failures Using Fiddler Everywhere:
➡️Watch the second video to learn How to Take Advantage of a Proxy When Modifying Two Way Responses and Requests: ---
➡️Make sure to subscribe & get notified for the next video in the series, which will cover How to troubleshoot for other devices & more! [COMING SOON]