
UI for WinUI

Release History

UI for WinUI 0.6.0

November 10, 2021

What's New

  • Introduced Windows App SDK (Project Reunion) 0.8.5 support for WinUI in Desktop version.
  • Visualize app notifications, show statuses, and short messages to provide additional contextual information with the new Badge component. Choose from a variety of types such as Available, OutOfOffice, Offline, DoNotDisturb, Away and etc. Can be used as standalone control or with BadgeView hosting the element which needs attached badge.


  • Updating the value using the mouse wheel doesn't work when the numeric box is focused.


  • Handle import of documents containing entries with duplicated object number in more than one subsection.
  • RadFixedPages are created without PageNumber set when using the RadFixedDocument.Pages.AddPage() method.
  • Wrong parsing to Unicode mapping leads to an ArgumentOutOfRangeException.
  • An InvalidCastException is thrown when importing a document containing a CIDFont with default width (DW) set as PdfReal (double).
  • A NullReferenceException is thrown when importing a document containing Widget annotations with an appearance set that contains Marked content (BMC-EMC) with no FT operands set.
  • Handled ArgumentException is thrown when importing documents containing form fields with the same fully qualified name.


  • An exception is thrown when color does not have a complete value.
  • SpreadsheetNameException is thrown when importing workbooks with a locally defined built-in name.
  • Hidden sheets should not be exported to PDF. Property is now exposed to control whether the hidden sheets should be included or not.


  • DocxFormatProvider: Introduced support for hyperlinks on images.
  • Text is not replaced when the document contains empty fields.
  • Unexpected behavior when replacing a string within a run that is not the first element in the paragraph.
  • Wrong import of the border local attribute of Html tables.
  • Forecolor of table cells text is not preserved when exporting to PDF.
  • Table properties are not preserved when replacing text with table.
  • An ArgumentNullException is thrown when importing HTML with empty col elements without attributes.
  • DocxFormatProvider: A NullReferenceException is thrown when exporting an abstract list with character properties.


  • Decompressing a password-protected archive with a Stored compression method throws InvalidArgumentOffsetCount.

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