Release History

By product

Testing Framework 2017.2530.1

May 29, 2017

What's New
- VS Plugin: added support for Visual Studio 2017

What's Changed

- Rebranding of Telerik Test Studio to new name Progress® Test Studio®
- Test Studio new EULAs and notices
- Firefox and  Chrome recording/execution extensions updated and rebranded for Progress® Test Studio®

What's Fixed

- Browsers support: handle Download dialog step in Internet Explorer 11 fails randomly on slow machines
- Browsers support: handling Login dialog not working in Internet Explorer 11 in Windows 10 Creators Update
- Browsers support: fixed Alert dialog handling in recording and execution for Chrome 58
- Browsers support: fixed new Chrome extensions to be compatible with older Test Studio versions
- Browsers support: Chrome execution extension randomly not loading on slow machines
- Browsers support: Chrome extensions start page does not detect installed extensions
- Browsers support: handling download dialog in MS Edge in Windows 10 Creators Update
- Browsers support: Real typing in Htmlnput fails when executed with MS Edge
- Browsers support: Extraction step fails in MS Edge
- Browsers support: Elements could not be located using Find.By in coded step and execution fails in MS Edge
- Browsers support: specific iFrames customer scenarios