Release History

By product

Testing Framework 2016.3928.5

September 27, 2016

What's New:
    * Angular Automation: Improved handling of set text actions for Angular inputs depending on OnInput JS event
    * Microsoft Edge: Support for latest Edge dialogs on Windows 10 Anniversary Update
What's Fixed:
- Calibration Chrome: Browser calibration for Zoom level is not working for Chrome
- Calibration MS Edge: Edge setting block popups not included for calibration
- Edge Automation: Multiple native dialogs handling (alert, confirm, prompt) doesn't work in Edge
- Edge Automation: Execution hangs as Not Responding against Sitefinity dashboard
- Edge Automation: isChecked verification fails in Edge (InvokeScript problem in frames)
- Execution WPF: Delay executing WPF tests
- Execution WPF: Unable to identify one of two WPF windows in a customer specific application
- Firefox Automation: "TypeError: historyService.removeAllPages is not a function" error in Firefox 48.0 ClearBrowserCache (ClearHistory) step
- Framework Web: CheckBox and RadioButton Check actions does not work correctly (for Chrome please update to latest Web Store recording and playback extensions)
- Internet Explorer Automation: Select step in dropdown triggers OnChange twice in IE
- Internet Explorer Automation: Invoke OnBlur fails with exception in IE