Release History

By product

Testing Framework 2009.21006

October 5, 2009

WebAii TF 2009.2 1006 release notes


  • Fixes and improvements in the core WebAii framework.
  • Ensures compatibility with RadControls for Silverlight Q3 Beta.
  • RadControl wrappers (ASP.NET AJAX & Silverlight) bug fixes/improvements.

Version changes

  • WebAii framework version is up to 2.0.4.
  • Telerik.WebAii.Controls.Xaml version is up to 2009.3.916.20.

Installer updates

  • Fixed WebAii automatic upgrade problem.
  • Fixed rare "Fatal error" on uninstall.

WebAii v2.0.4 framework updates

  • Added Custom control mappings collection and global override support.
  • New FrameworkElement.GetProperties() method returns a list of all public properties on the live FrameworkElement and their types.
  • Scan entire visual tree when UID not found at expected node. Fixes Drag & Drop cases. Add new ElementNotFound exception.
  • Fixed crash in Window.CutBitmap().
  • Added Support for Focus() on the HtmlControl + Keyboard support.
  • Added KeyBoard Processing Events.
  • Use UID for validating elements as we walk down the visual tree to act on an element. If UID does not match at any specific level, enumerate all the child nodes at that level looking for a match. Sometimes the path changes out from under us between the find and the operation.
  • Reset _isProxy when the real element is found and being created.
  • Add slop to Silverlight mouse click recording and propagate mouse down events from IERecordingSurface
  • Fix setting cookie. Was creating cookies like Name=Name=Value.
  • Exposed WindowMoved event on the GenericWindow.
  • Expanded events fired from Generic window.
  • New HtmlControl.IsActiveElement property returns true if the HTML element has the keyboard focus.
  • Added Support for Attribute Exists/Missing.
  • Fix for testing using ASP.NET local development server on x64 machine.
  • Fixed issue when calling Wait.For() with a lambda expression as the assert condition
  • Fixed Browser.StateHashCode to be initialized to an empty string rather than null.
  • Fixed GetBitmap to truncate the rectangle rather than throw an exception.
  • MIME filter injects into non-cached .xap files now.
  • Added Find.AllByCustom method.
  • Added new XMultiMgr setting. When set to true, we use the WebAii 1.1 connection method, which supports multiple processes doing testing.
  • Allow the WaitInCallingThread to process DoEvent messages.
  • Added StateHashCode, UniqueId on IAutomationHost and implemented them for Browser/SilverlightApp.
  • Implemented the IAutomationHost/ITargetElement new methods.
  • Change how we wait for the SL extension to be loaded.
  • Fix launching IE-8 regression.

WebAii RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX updates

  • Added new TypeText method to simulate real typing in the input.

  • Exposed new properties: ButtonPosition, Autopostback, AllowTransferOnDoubleClick.
  • Exposed new properties -- Orientation, EnableRootItemScroll and ClickToOpen.

  • Updated AdvancedFormVisible property.

  • Modified the select method - click is not executed any more.
  • Improved MoveTo implementation.
  • Exposed RestrictionZoneId property.

WebAii RadControls for Silverlight updates

  • Control wrappers compatibility with the latest Q3 2009 Beta of RadControls for Silverlight.
  • Support for extended RadControls -- the WebAii RadControls now implement the new WebAii.FrameworkElement mappings feature.
  • New wrappers: RadButtons (Button, RadioButton, ToggleButton, DropDownButton).

  • Exposed new properties:
    • ColorPaletteView: ColumnCount, Orientation.
    • ColorSelector properties -- NoColorVisibility, HeaderPaletteVisibility, StandardPaletteVisibility, MainPaletteHeaderText, StandardPaletteHeaderText.
  • Exposed the list of element names used accross the wrappers.

  • Exposed item properties: Index, ImageMaxWidth, ImageMaxHeight, ReflectionStartAlpha, ReflectionRelativeHeight, CameraX and CameraY.

  • Exposed new properties: Text (replacing InputBox element), Culture, IsReadOnly, Calendar HeaderVisibility and IsTodayHighlighted.
  • Exposed the list of element names used accross the wrappers.
  • Docking.PaneHeader: Exposed IsCommandMenuOpen property and ToggleCommandMenu method.
  • Docking.Pane: Exposed CanFloat, CanDockInDocumentHost, AutoHideWidth and AutoHideHeight properties.
  • Fixed RadDocking.GroupHeaderMenuItemClick() throwing "Unable to find element" exception.
  • GridResizer:
    • IsHorizontal property changed to Orientation, exposed ShowsPreview property.
    • Fixed Resize() method wrong behaviour -- dragging to both right/left and up/down.
  • Fixed SplitContainer.DockResizer returning wrong element.
  • Exposed DockingElementName static class summarizing the element names used accross the wrappers.

  • Exposed ClickTopOpen property for both RadMenu and RadContextMenu.
  • Exposed RadMenu.Orientation property.
  • ContextMenu: Exposed MousePosition, EventName, HorizontalOffset, VerticalOffset, IsOpen, StaysOpen properties.
  • Updated RadMenuItem.ItemText to return null for control template including no item text (the property was throwing an error in such a scenario).

  • Exposed PanelBar.Orientation, Item.Index and IsMouseOver properties.
  • Fixed Item.Items property throwing TimeoutException for the leaf items.

  • Exposed new properties:
    • TabControl: AllowDragOverTab, AllowDragReorder, AllTabsEqualHeight, BackgroundVisibility, TabOrientation, ReorderTabRows.
    • TabItem: IsBreak, IsMouseOver.

  • Exposed new properties: Text (replacing InputBox), Culture, StartTime, EndTime, TimeInterval, IsReadOnly, IsFocused.
  • Exposed TypeText method and important element names as constants.

  • Exposed the list of element names used accross the wrappers.
  • Exposed ToolBar and ToolBarTray.Orientation properties.
  • SliderOrientationType enumeration replaced with the standard WebAii Orientation type.
  • Fixed Increase() and Decrease() methods (no args) performing no click actions.
  • Completed the public list of element names used by the wrapper.

  • Fixed resizing on right simulation failure (ResizeRight() method).
  • Exposed new properties -- Title, IsPinned, CanMove, CanClose, RestoreMinimizedLocation, IsActiveWindow.
  • Exposed the Window element names used accross the wrappers.