Release History

By product

Test Studio Run-Time 2009.2402

April 6, 2009

Automation Design Canvas:
- Fixed VS Pro & Quick Execution issue when code-behind is present (reported by a customer).

RadControls Translators:
*** Common ***
- More flexible Sentence Verification Builders for most of the translators:
    - values are editable
    - main parameter selection updates the others automatically
- Fixed 'ConvertToCode' option negative expression issue for all the translators.

*** Calendar ***
- Added Fast navigation popup selected month/year verification (verification quick tasks and verification builder).

- FastNavigation popup when there is Min or Max date defined.
- Clicks on disabled year/date; prev/next navigation to out of range months.
- SelectedDates verification code generation.

*** Editor ***
- Added click/hide action for SplitButtons.
- Fixed Client-Side execution errors in Firefox for the SplitButton, DropDown and EditorCommand verifications.

*** Grid ***
- Fixed wrong item index passed for item actions in hierarchy.
- Fixed Expand/Collapse data item actions and Expanded verification support of expand/collapse image buttons.
- Fixed drag-to-select automatic code generation issue.
- Fixed lost space character issue (Cell text, GroupPanel Items, Group Panel sort action arguments, Pager info text,

Columns reorder and Drag to group action

*** Input ***
-Fixed Input test execution bug: NumericTextBox spin buttons click increases/decreases the value twice in Firefox.

*** Menu ***
- Added Navigate action (MenuItemHtmlControl: Navigate method, NavigateUrl and ShouldNavigate properties).
- Improved Item Visible and Opened verifications.
- Added 'item visible' quick task.

*** Panelbar ***
- Added PanelBarItemHtmlControl Click method (client-side call).
- Added Navigate action (PanelBarItemHtmlControl: Navigate method, NavigateUrl and ShouldNavigate properties).

*** Scheduler ***
- Fixed Add/edit/delete appointment commands issues for all views.

*** Splitter ***
- Added SlidingZone 'Expand’ action on mouse over.
- Added Verification Builders for Pane and Splitter dimensions.
- Fixed SplitBar Expand/Collapse action incomplete handling.

*** TabStrip ***
- Added Navigate action (TabHtmlControl: Navigate method, NavigateUrl and ShouldNavigate properties)

*** TreeView ***
- Select action supports autopostback cases.
- Added Navigate action (TreeNodeHtmlControl: Navigate method, NavigateUrl and ShouldNavigate properties).

*** Window ***
- Added window 'resize' action, plus new RadWindowHtmlControl Width and Height properties.