Release History

By product

Test Studio Web & Desktop 2016.1330.2

March 29, 2016

What's New:
- Test Studio Coding Improvements:
    * Added code files to the project explorer, users can add their own standalone coded file also
    * Various Code Editor improvements, it's also separated into its own tab in Tests View
    * Dockable test and code tabs - one can undock and view separate tests/code in parallel
    * Added context menu to test and code tabs including Close Tabs and Locate in Project options
    * Compile project action - compiles all coded files explicitly and separately from test execution
    * Output Panel added to Tests View - provides compilation errors and warnings and also syntax errors while entering code
    * Ability to share same code function between test coded steps
    * Renaming or deleting coded function warns the user to fix the test coded steps if any get broken
    * Coded file can be opened in a separate tab - from the project, the test explorer or the output panel
    * Filtering the test test by coded steps
- Step Builder adds Refresh browser step type
- Visual Debugger: Added wait elements timeout counter
- Various UI improvements in Test Studio application

What's Changed:
    * Test code synchronization with the test steps in the UI - adding new coded function does not trigger an update to the UI anymore
    * Step Builder: "Script" step is renamed to "Coded" for consistency

What's Fixed:
- Code Generation: Compiling project may end up with IOException for Pages.g file being in use
- Command line runner: Executing test handling download dialog can lead to process crash
- Dialog Handling: Cannot handle a Logon dialog in latest Chrome
- Dialog Handling: Chrome is recording an extra step when recording against Logon dialog
- Dialog Handling: Cannot handle WPF SaveAs dialog in customer application
- Execution Remote: Running remotely test list for coded test with missing code behind file can lead to unhandled exception
- Elements Explorer: Editing element in heavy use by multiple tests can lead to unhandled exception
- Find Expression Builder: Validating specific element live in Firefox can lead to unhandled exception
- Find Expression Builder: Change element may lead to unhandled exception in case of closed recorder
- Find Expression Builder: Changing element may lead to unhandled exception if it's being merged to another element with invalid code characters in name
- Project Explorer: Cannot paste a test multiple times if the project explorer panel is undocked
- Project Explorer: Code-behind file is not deleted if new test is deleted before saved
- Project Explorer: Adding a new test incorrectly makes it dirty
- Recording Chrome/Firefox: Context menu does not hide after Locate in DOM/Build step action
- Recording Chrome/Firefox: Failing to record click actions after login to customer web site
- Recording Firefox: Unable to highlight and record elements for customer specific application
- Recording Chrome: Unable to highlight and record elements for applications with frames (Chrome Recorder Extension updated in Chrome Web Store, version is up to 2014.4.1211.11)
- Recording Internet Explorer: Recording on Windows 10 does not toggle a select control
- Recording Internet Explorer: Highlighting elements in specific applications may hang the browser during recording
- Result Viewer: Double click on failed step of manual run result may lead to unhandled exception
- Scheduling: Unable to access the Scheduling Service API documentation
- Scheduling: Launching the Manage Results dialog may hang Test Studio
- Test Explorer: Pasting test step can lead to unhandled exception
- Test Explorer: Recapture storyboard action can lead to unhandled exception for test with execute test action in code
- Test Tabs: Middle mouse button click closes the currently selected test instead of the one on which was clicked
- Visual Studio: Moving test used in test as step breaks the child step reference
- Visual Studio: Copy/paste of test does not update the element references (element Used By list)
- Fixed handling of SaveAs dialog in custom WPF application