Support for MS Windows 10 17763 (1809) Edge Browser with integrated WebDriver
Global Save All shortcut Ctrl+Shift+S introduced
KillBrowsersBeforeStart setting for all execution types in Test Studio
New Ribbon tabs for Project, Tests and Elements
ScrollToVisibleType Property for Click and SetText descriptors
Step Builder options to manually add Connect to pop-up and Close pop-up window steps
Support for BreakPoints for nested TestAsStep tests during QuickExecution
Used By context menu option for Element Expression's panes
New Project setting to Track Active Test selection in Project Explorer
InnerText as search clause in Find Expression Builder for both recording and execution
Enable Logging in project Settings in Visual Studio plugin
Automatic update of scheduled jobs when Test List changes
Make WPF Recorder wait timeout configurable via SL Connect project setting
Data-bind Name field of requests Headers in Test Studio for APIs
Web and Desktop:
Browsers: added support for download dialog in Firefox 64+
Browsers: Close Browser property of Click step does not work properly for JS Browsers popups
Browsers: execution of Logon Dialog in IE on Server 2016
Browsers: fix WaitUntilReady always returns True in MS Edge
Browsers: AJAX and Console interceptors script injection in MS Edge
Browsers: every second desktop click in Edge browser is performed with offset
Execution: cannot move the mouse on multiple monitors that have negative coordinates in desktop commands
Execution: customer case for Internet Explorer not launching when running ArtOfTestRunner from bat file on remote environment
Find Expression Builder: after reset of data bind filter in Find Element Builder, drop down for data bind is not visible
Find Expression Builder: resolve failure Font Color for Content Verification steps is now black and visible
Load testing: application crash when you open for edit the user profile of a load test
Load Testing: post data not sent if the encoding type is different than formdata or urlencoded
Load Testing: Dynamic Targets dropdowns not shown in requests UI
Load Testing: specific case of Custom Dynamic Targets not shown properly in UI when changing data binding
Load testing: fixed field type value 'Cookie' typo
Load testing: visual glitch in custom dynamic targets display window
Recording: highlight on Validate Element will not work in iFrames from JS browsers
Recording: custom fix for IE recording menu when element not fully visible
Recording: JS recorders un-paused after run to here and run selected operations
Recording: enabled recording of dialogs in Firefox Popups
Recording: Error dialog when no test is selected during recording and try to add step is now always on top
Recording: Firefox recording on scaled multiple monitors shows highlighting with offset
Recording: wrong test element created when using the highlight menu in Internet Explorer on scaled monitors
Recording: customer case of Recorder exception for WFP control panel
Recording: customer case of WPF Recorder hanging if undocked during close of the WPF application
Recording: WPF extension crashing against specific application
Scheduling: fixed specific case with Video Recording stops working on remote recurring runs
Scheduling: fixed UI when uninstall/install MongoDB service in cases path to a different mongod.exe is selected
Scheduling: fixing specific case for wrong notification setting in scheduled job
Scheduling: specific case of scheduled jobs getting wrong test list id for source controlled projects after checkin
Scheduling: fixed storage service log path to be in Test Studio installation folder
Scheduling: RemoteExecutor and the SchedulingServer would not ask for TFS credentials upon scheduled runs
Test Studio UI: fixed renaming project with open code file and restart of project crash
Test Studio UI: fixing error logged upon right click on project node for source controlled project
Test Studio UI: cleared obsolete exception from log after successful scheduled run
Test Studio UI: code editor does not lose focus after performing shortcut operation Ctrl+S
Test Stduio UI: fixing unexpected error when opening results when mapped network drive with project gets disconnected
Visual Studio plugin: fixed typo in VS empty test description
Local to Local android instrumentation fails
Automatic instrumentation will now successfully complete for Android API level 28 applications
Test Studio for APIs
ApiTesting sends "Expect" "100-continue" header with http requests and cannot be disabled
Opening coded step without creating coded file first crashes studio
Execution sends all files in a multipart/form-data regardless of their file extension
Major stability and reliability improvements in Scheduling feature
Improved Scheduled runs in parallel stability
Easier and simplified Scheduling configuration - only 3 ports are needed open both ways for scheduling setup (8009 for Scheduling Service, 8492 for Storage Service and 55555 for Execution Client)
Ctrl+S shortcut only saves current working item in Test Studio
Upgraded MongoDB driver to 4.0 in Test Studio
Removed TeamPulse integration from Test Studio UI
Removed AsyncBridge.dll and System.Reactive.dll from Test Studio Mobile
Split Requests and Responses of Load tests in Test Studio
Due to Visual Studio latest updates changes, Test Studio VS 2017 plugin Telerik.Common package is now part of VSIX
Recent projects names are not truncated for long names anymore and tooltip shows full path in Test Studio