Release History

By product

UI for iOS Q3 2014 SP1 (version 2014.3.1204)

December 3, 2014

UI for iOS Core

  • A new property called shape is added in TKView.
  • A new class called TelerikUI with a static method called versionString are added to return the current version of the framework.


  • A new class called TelerikAppFeedback is added with a static method named versionString to return the current version of the framework.
  • There are isual glitches when changing the device orientation.


  • A new method called chart:legendItemForSeries:atIndex: is added in TKChartDelegate to allow legend item customization.
  • A new method called chart:updateLegendItem:forSeries:atIndex is added in TKChartDelegate to allow legend item customization.
  • A new property called preferredSize is added in TKChartLegendContainer to allow restricting the legend size.
  • A new method called panToDataPoint is added in TKChartAxis to allow panning based on point value.
  • A property called hidden is added in TKChartAxis to allow determining the visibility of the axis.
  • Legend items now wrap their content to save space.
  • Legend items now scroll when there is not enough place to present all legend items.
  • TKChart does not update when series are added or removed.
  • Automatic axes are not recalculated when a series is removed from the chart.
  • Bar/Column is not visible when there is only one item in the items source.
  • There is an exception when using the zoom and trackball functionality together with custom objects.
  • There is an exception when the chart is zoomed and panned to the end and animations are turned on.
  • The initWithValue:name: method in TKChartDataPoint class is now obsolete. Please use initWithName:value method instead.


  • A new method shapeForEvent: is added in TKCalendarDelegate to allow custom event shapes.
  • A new property allDayEventTextColor property in TKCalendarDayCellStyle that allows for setting custom text color for all day events.
  • There are visual glitches when using TKCalendar with iPhone 6 and iPhone 6+.
  • The touchesEnded: method is not called when tapping on calendar cells.
  • An incorrect year is displayed when navigating in TKCalendar.
  • The calendars property of TKCalendarEventKitDataSource fetches the calendars asynchronously.
  • The Calendar allows for selection outside of the allowed range when using TKCalendarViewModeYearNumbers.
  • There is a missing selection for date in year and week views.
  • The eventsForCalendar:fromDate:toDate method is removed from TKCalendarEventKitDataSource. Please use eventsForCalendar:fromDate:toDate:withCallback: instead.