It is not possible to customize AppFeedback text messages.
​The cancelTransition method is added to TKSideDrawer to allow canceling show/dismiss transitions.
​The selectItemAtIndexPath method is added to allow selecting an item at runtime.
The willShowSideDrawer and willDismiss methods from TKSideDrawerDelegate are called after the drawer is completely displayed/hidden when using a gesture.
The screen content becomes slightly dimmed after the drawer is closed when the mainView background color is set to clear color.
The updateVisualsForItemAtIndexPath method is not called when an item is selected.
The TKSideDrawerTableViewCell separator layout is wrong.
It is not possible to replace the default reorder handle with a custom one.
TKCalendarYearPresenter cannot be cast to UIView when ​used in UI for Xamarin.
An option to zoom in left and right directions on the axis simultaneously.
An option to set axis label rotation explicitly.
customRenderValues property is added to TKChartAxis to allow ticks at custom positions.
lastLabelTextOffset property is added to TKChartAxisLabelStyle.
The TKChartCategory class ​allows using repeatable categories with category axis.
Setting the x axis creates and sets also the y axis.
The y axis is misplaced when its labels fit mode is multiline and the chart's height is small.
Trackball can't work together with selection.
Trackball does not hide when hideMode is set to OnSecondTouch.
Calling reloadData more than twice causes the application to crash.
Legend title cannot be changed if set before making the legend visible.
The second axis is not added when adding two series with different y axes.
TKChart hangs when using date-time axis and its range and interval are set to 0.