Release History

By product

Sitefinity SDK 4.21650

August 10, 2011

What’s new

Corporate Starter Kit  - a new corporate starter kit that features a Real Estate company
    • Custom Agents module that allows you to create different agents listed publicly on the website
    • Custom Real Estate Module that allows you to create real estate properties associated to agents.
    • Facebook widget showing activity on your Facebook page
    • Twitter widget showing predefined number of tweets
    • Real Estate properties slider rotating 
    • Related News widget showing news from the same categories of your news item
    • Related Events widget showing events from the same categories of your news item
    • Real estate theme and master-page.

Intranet Starter Kit – a new intranet starter kit that features

    • Intranet theme and master-page
    • Silverlight widget using RadChart for showing Sitefinity website activity

Empty Project Sample - a new blank Sitefinity 4.2 project
    • Features a blank Sitefinity 4.2 project that can be used for a playground.

Locations Module – A simple content-based module that implements only the basic functionality for a Sitefinity module. Used to represent locations (such as office branches or restaurant addresses)
    • Demonstrates a complete content-based module implementation
    • Uses a custom OpenAccess data provider
    • Demonstrates using Definitions to create the backend and frontend interfaces
    • Demonstrates using the Virtual Path Provider for mapping embedded templates
    • Implements a custom Content View public widget (LocationsView) using a built-in control designer for List and Details view

Testimonials Module – An example Intra-Site (user control-based) module that collects and displays user testimonials. Demonstrates a Sitefinity module without having to implement or inherit from the Content model

    • Uses standard ASP.NET User Controls
    • Demonstrates a multi-page admin interface
    • Uses a custom user-control-based Content View (TestimonialsView) with a custom control designer
    • Uses the Sitefinity routing system for search-friendly URLs
•     Includes a custom control for collecting testimonials from users

Template Importer

    • Sitefinity native module that allows you to importer templates generated by the Sitefinity Template Builder.  Shared across all starter kits and also available as a separate sample.

Common Sample Utilities project  - Set of helper methods that ease the use of the Sitefinity API shared across all samples.

Education Starter Kit 
    • Now demonstrates comprehensive use of the Sitefinity API to create a full-blown website from code

Charity Starter Kit
    • Now demonstrates comprehensive use of the Sitefinity API to create a full-blown website from code

What’s fixed

    • Checking Sitefinity assemblies instead of OpenAccess when running a sample from new version
    • Disabled Open Documentation buttons
    • Fixed links, added ASP.NET Ajax RSS feed
    • Renamed Charity Starter Kit to Non-Profit
    • Updated sample requirements