Release History

By product

Sitefinity CMS 7.2.5320

November 3, 2014

What's fixed


  • Makes the SitefinityIdentity and UserIdentity classes serializable
  • Output cache is invalidated when clicking "back to pages" button.
Digital Experience Cloud
  • DEC sentences were not sent for Html5 videos played from a youtube list.
  • DEC sentences will contain absolute instead of relative URLs.
External blob storage provider for media (images, videos, documents).
  • Moving media items to Azure Blob Storage from different libraries/folders results in overwritten content.
  • Calls to Notifications service was not correctly checked whether the call was from backend or frontend page.
  • "Publish all" doesn't work in Pure Mvc page
  •  Added FIPS support for URL parameter signature for thumbnails.   
Media Content Libraries
  • Fix setting pageSize of folderFIlter to 0 disables the paging functionality
Module Builder
  • Fixed performance issue when opening hierarchical dynamic item for edit.
  • Custom Labels & Messages are not localizable when .cs files inherit from in-built controls. (FP)
  • Fix in Generate report
  • Decreased number of requests to MultisiteService on every backend page when are more than 15 sites.
  • Output cache is invalidated for non-default site in Multisite management.
  • Page editor throws exception when there is a user control in the toolbox and Feather is installed
  • Fixed MVC controller cannot be found when attributes collection contains keys
Pages and Page Templates
  • Changing LayoutControl properties not applied when publish the page (FP).
  • Template won't change if you change it during page duplication.
  • Duplicate page results in insufficient permissions error.
  • "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" when you duplicate a page.
  • Converting a Standard Page to Group and then back to Standard breaks the pages grid.
Pages overriding template controls
  • Fixed issue with overriding control inherited from a template on the page. The designer was not correctly working with the base control and not the overridden control - as result the overridden properties were lost when opening the designer for a second time
  • Fixed issue with deep inheritance - parent template > child template > page. When a control was overridden on a child template and then opened for overriding on the page it inherited the properties of the parent template control and not the overridden properties of the child template control.
  • Changing page permissions not applied when publish the page.
Sitemap Generator
  • Content items can be prevented from including in sitemap by subscribing to ISitemapGeneratorContentRetrieving event and setting Cancel property of the event to true.

Other fixes

  •  Content items with many related media fields no longer cause performance issues when opened in edit mode. (FP)
  • When duplicating pages workflow status is now properly set to Draft.
  • MVC FileResult now sets the download filename as specified. (FP)
  • Unable to edit a widget via user with Editor role on page based on template (the widget is placed on the page template and the option "Make editable on pages" is checked) (FP)
  • Fixed an issue where server error is thrown when logging in with default admin user on Windows Azure with NLB enabled.
  • Fixed an issue where widgets placed on page templates cannot be edited in some cases.