Makes the SitefinityIdentity and UserIdentity classes serializable
Output cache is invalidated when clicking "back to pages" button.
Digital Experience Cloud
DEC sentences were not sent for Html5 videos played from a youtube list.
DEC sentences will contain absolute instead of relative URLs.
External blob storage provider for media (images, videos, documents).
Moving media items to Azure Blob Storage from different libraries/folders results in overwritten content.
Calls to Notifications service was not correctly checked whether the call was from backend or frontend page.
"Publish all" doesn't work in Pure Mvc page
Added FIPS support for URL parameter signature for thumbnails.
Media Content Libraries
Fix setting pageSize of folderFIlter to 0 disables the paging functionality
Module Builder
Fixed performance issue when opening hierarchical dynamic item for edit.
Custom Labels & Messages are not localizable when .cs files inherit from in-built controls. (FP)
Fix in Generate report
Decreased number of requests to MultisiteService on every backend page when are more than 15 sites.
Output cache is invalidated for non-default site in Multisite management.
Page editor throws exception when there is a user control in the toolbox and Feather is installed
Fixed MVC controller cannot be found when attributes collection contains keys
Pages and Page Templates
Changing LayoutControl properties not applied when publish the page (FP).
Template won't change if you change it during page duplication.
Duplicate page results in insufficient permissions error.
"Object reference not set to an instance of an object" when you duplicate a page.
Converting a Standard Page to Group and then back to Standard breaks the pages grid.
Pages overriding template controls
Fixed issue with overriding control inherited from a template on the page. The designer was not correctly working with the base control and not the overridden control - as result the overridden properties were lost when opening the designer for a second time
Fixed issue with deep inheritance - parent template > child template > page. When a control was overridden on a child template and then opened for overriding on the page it inherited the properties of the parent template control and not the overridden properties of the child template control.
Changing page permissions not applied when publish the page.
Sitemap Generator
Content items can be prevented from including in sitemap by subscribing to ISitemapGeneratorContentRetrieving event and setting Cancel property of the event to true.
Other fixes
Content items with many related media fields no longer cause performance issues when opened in edit mode. (FP)
When duplicating pages workflow status is now properly set to Draft.
MVC FileResult now sets the download filename as specified. (FP)
Unable to edit a widget via user with Editor role on page based on template (the widget is placed on the page template and the option "Make editable on pages" is checked) (FP)
Fixed an issue where server error is thrown when logging in with default admin user on Windows Azure with NLB enabled.
Fixed an issue where widgets placed on page templates cannot be edited in some cases.