Release History

By product

UI for Windows Phone 7 (discontinued) 2012.31211

December 10, 2012

Q3 2012 SP1  




What's New:

  • PopupStyle property used to define the appearance of the auto complete popup

What's Fixed:

  • The header was consuming space even if it was not used.
  • The ClearButton’s default style was not adjusted for WP8.
  • Wrong popup appearance when the theme of the phone is set to light


What's Fixed:

  • Fixed an issue that the DisplayDateStart was disregarded when scrolling to previous month.


What's New:

  • Orientation and DateTimeEditorType attached properties exposed by the DateTimeField class which can be used instead of the DateTimeEditorType attribute in XAML. They should be set on the corresponding DataField instance.
  • Ability to define custom visual elements in the DataForm’s layout by putting it among the other DataField instances in the RadDataForm instance in XAML
  • Optimizations that reduce the XAML code when defining a data form
  • DataFieldValueChanged event which fires whenever the value of an editor changes
  • CommitMode property which defines the way values from editors are committed to the business object

Important Changes:

  • IgnoreAttribute and FormFieldAttribute are no longer available. Fields that are shown in RadDataForm are now declared in XAML by using the DataField object and setting its TargetProperty property to the name of the property on the business object to which the DataField relates. DataField objects are directly put inline in the RadDataForm object. The order in which DataField objects are declared defines the order of the editors for the corresponding properties in RadDataForm. Additionally, the Grid attached properties can be used to fine tune the layout, e.g. if columns need to be defined
  • The EditorStyles and CustomEditors collections exposed by RadDataForm are no longer available. You should use the DataField.EditorStyles and DataField.CustomEditor properties instead. Additionally, the EditorStyles collection now accepts Style instances instead of EditorStyle instances. The CustomEditor.Property property is also removed since the editor is directly associated with a DataField.
  • The EditorGroups collection is no longer available. Defining a group of editors is done now by using the DataFieldGroup class and putting the corresponding DataField objects in it. The DataFieldGroup class now accommodates all properties that were exposed by the EditorGroup class.
  • The FieldInfoAttribute and BindableFieldInfo attributes are no longer available. The options that they provided are now exposed as properties by the DataField class.
  • The FieldOrderAttribute is no longer available. Now the Grid attached properties can be set on DataField objects to determine the form’s layout in case fine tuning is necessary.
  • Fields that are shown in RadDataForm are now declared in XAML by using the DataField object and setting its TargetProperty property to the name of the property on the business object to which the DataField relates. DataField objects are directly put inline in the RadDataForm object, whereby a Grid element should wrap them as the root of the layout. The order in which DataField objects are declared defines the order of the editors for the corresponding properties in RadDataForm. Additionally, the Grid attached properties can be used to fine tune the layout, e.g. if columns need to be defined.
  • The ValidationMode enum has a changed value: the OnLostFocus is now called OnValueChanged and means that validation is performed for the editor when the value changes.


What's Fixed:

  • Support for the Move collection changed action.
  • Item Tap handling issues when having input receiving elements in the Data Template of the items.


What's Fixed:

  • InputPromptClosedEventArgs were not initialized correctly.


What's New:

  • New HideWatermarkOnFocus property. Allows manual setting of the watermark behavior.

What's Fixed:

  • An endless loop was caused when a Clear/Action button was pressed when two RadPasswordBoxes were on the same page.


What's Fixed:

  • When the ItemsSource was initialized after the template had been applied, there was an exception.
  • ImageOpened was not thrown as expected.


What's Fixed:

  • Fixed a bug that caused an invalid cast exception when used along with MVVM Light’s RelayCommand.


What's Fixed:

  • An exception thrown because the control tries to access the owning ListBox of its associated list box item when the item is recycled. This is when RadExpanderControl is used in context with RadDataBoundListBox.


What's New:

  • Styling issue which makes setting the FontSize of the control impossible.


What's Fixed:

  • Fixed a bug that caused the control to not work with WriteableBitmap.