Release History

By product

UI for Windows Phone 7 (discontinued) 2011.31221

December 20, 2011

Q3 2011 SP1

New Controls:



Extends the standard data you can add to live tiles with two additional properties – VisualElement and BackVisualElement, both of type UIElement, allowing the user to create dynamic live tiles with ease




What’s New:

  • Added support for Pinch-to-zoom a picture item within the view. Two zoom modes available – FitToPhysicalSize, which automatically calculates the maximum scale so that the picture is represented in its original size, and Free – scales the picture to an arbitrary MaximumZoom value
  • Added support for vertical orientation
  • SlideViewPictureSource now supports raw ImageSource instances
  • Added GetSelectedImage method to SlideViewPictureSource, allowing for saving the currently selected image

What’s Fixed:

  • Setting the SelectedIndex property before setting the data source would raise IndexOutOfRange exception
  • Improved the Pinch gesture handling

Breaking Changes:

  • Changed the PictureDataItem.Uri property to PictureDataItem.Source to allow for raw ImageSource types support


What’s New:

  • Added ItemTap event to allow for handling a calendar cell Tap gesture

What’s Fixed:

  • When in landscape mode the month selector is displayed in smaller text size – like in the native OS


What’s New:

  • Extend the scrolling states to support TopCompression and BottomCompression
  • Added ItemAnimationMode property to fine-tune the per-item animations
  • Added ItemAnimationEnded event which is fired each time a per-item based animation finishes execution

What’s Fixed:

  • When having items crossing the bounds of the viewport and the UI buffers an exception is thrown when recycling the last realized items
  • When using an extended source collection with an AddRange method and a defined ItemCheckedPath property, clearing the collection and adding new items via AddRange would not correctly populate the checked items collection
  • When flick up/down a list with items, a 'jump' effect is observed upon reaching the end/beginning of the list
  • Make the control update its visual state when the last Removed animation ends upon collection reset or clear


What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed a null reference exception when the Command property of RadContextMenuItem is bound
  • Setting the IsEnabled property of RadContextMenuItem to false now works properly when no Command is specified


What’s New:

  • Introduced the GroupDescriptorsSource, FilterDescriptorSource, SortDescriptorsSource properties which can be used to provide a source of data descriptors for the corresponding data operation

What’s Fixed:

  • An issue with the GetItemCount implementation when header and footer are defined
  • A NullReferenceException is thrown when Header or Footer are defined and realized in the viewport and CheckMode is activated


What’s Fixed:

  • Setting the SelectedIndex property before setting the data source would raise IndexOutOfRange exception


What’s Fixed:

  • Dialog is not displayed when a keyboard is shown


What’s Fixed:

  • RepeatIntervalDecrementStep property not working as expected
  • When changing the min or max value so that the Value is coerced, the ValueString is not updated

Breaking Changes:

  • Replaced the repeat buttons that are used for incrementing and decrementing the value with Button instances because of some issues with RepeatBUtton introduced in Windows Phone 7.5 Mango


What’s New:

  • Added financial indicators and trend lines
  • Added Radar charts
  • Added DesiredTickCount property to LinearAxis to allow for tick count definition when the major step may not be determined initially
  • Added selection behavior to allow for selection of chart series and/or data points
  • Added automatic “Slice Explode” functionality in RadPieChart upon a Tap gesture
  • Added automatic title rotation for vertical Cartesian axes
  • Added EmptyContent, EmptyContentTemplate properties to be displayed when no data is plotted

What’s Fixed:

  • DataPoint virtualization would not work properly when vertical zoom is applied
  • The PanOffset property may not be applied until the control is loaded
  • The tooltip is not properly displayed when PanOffset is applied

Breaking Changes:

  • Renamed the base RadChart class to RadChartBase to be consistent with the internal naming conventions


What’s New:

  • Added Step property to allow for specifying arbitrary interval for the built-in selectors
  • Added PopupHeader property to comply with the native OS equivalents

What’s Fixed:

  • Updated the default height to equal the native one – 50px
  • A bug with the Min/Max values of the Date selector