Release History

By product

UI for Windows Phone 7 (discontinued) 2011.31116

November 15, 2011

Q3 2011

From this release on, we will be only shipping Mango version of RadControls for Windows Phone 7.

New Controls:



The control provides suggestions as you type for convenience, faster navigation or faster typing for example. The suggestions are shown in a pop-up, but if you like you can hide the pop-up and show them in a listbox wherever you chose

RadAutoCompleteBox is a text box with extended functionality that provides filtered suggestions as the user types. The control exposes a convenient API to control its behavior and uses performance optimized filtering algorithms to boost up performance. RadAutoCompleteBox has two Auto Complete Modes: StartsWith and Contains.

The StartsWith mode filters the candidate suggestions by comparing the user input with the beginning of the filter key of each candidate suggestion, whereas the Contains filtering mode looks for matches of the input string in the filter key of each candidate suggestion.

RadAutoCompleteBox allows you to control the behavior of the popup which displays the available suggestions, as well as to bind a separate list control to the suggestions source and thus not using a popup. There is an event which is fired each time the end user picks a suggestion which can be used to trigger an additional action upon suggestion selection.



The BulletGraph is excellent for using it in any report or dashboard. The control allows end-users see progress, comparison of different measures and ranges at a glance. It presents how a single measure compares to other relative measures, how it fits in predefined ranges and whether this situation is good, satisfactory or bad. The Bullet Graph is easy to read and takes up small space in a report or dashboard. architecture-and-features.aspx



The control enables you to display and execute context sensitive actions. It is fully compliant with the Metro UI guidelines and offers great flexibility and extensibility, including custom animations, trigger mode, templates, commands plus much more. For your convenience we have prepared three examples in our demo application that feature the most common usages of a context menu


RadSlideView Beta

You can easily add picture browsing-like experience to your application with RadSlideView. It feels just like in the native OS. You can use any arbitrary content as a slide – picture, text, video or UI control. RadSlideView is fully programmable and may be easily setup either in XAML or through code behind.

The control provides smooth and slick user experience that allows a sequence of user-defined content items to be viewed slide by slide. It may enter two different view modes – full screen, displaying one slide at a time and zoomed-out, displaying all the items in a strip allowing the user to easily navigate to a particular item. Based on the super-fast RadLoopingList, RadSlideView offers the same performance and extensibility, the optional infinite looping of the slide strip as well as all the built-in scroll animations with velocity support.



RadToggleSwitch is a fancier version of a checkbox control. And it has a built-in vibrate feature. ToggleSwitch is a binary state control, which mimics the experience found in the OS.

The control mimics the toggle switch native UI as defined by the Metro Design guidelines. It represents a binary set of two mutually exclusive options and is meant to bring additional friendliness to the user experience.




What’s New:

  • Added Financial Series
  • Implemented stand-alone label layer for data points per ChartSeries

What’s Fixed:

  • Palette did not refresh on adding new data points
  • Improper tick step calculation in DateTimeContinuousAxis in auto-range and initial zoom
  • Division by zero with one point and PlotMode.OnTicks


What’s New:

What’s Fixed:

  • Palette did not refresh on adding new data points
  • Improper tick step calculation in DateTimeContinuousAxis in auto-range and initial zoom
  • Division by zero with one point and PlotMode.OnTicks
  • Did not re-measure realized items when loading the control from the back stack


What’s New:

  • Now you can determine the appearance of the check mode indicator
  • Extended the IsCheckModeActiveChanging/IsCheckModeActiveChanged event args object to hold info about the item used to activate the check mode
  • Made the virtualization buffers proportional to the average items' height. Now the users can configure them
  • Added empty content behavior to show the empty content on empty list only, not on "null" content
  • Added animations for added/removed items on data source change

What’s Fixed:

  • Calling BringIntoView in page's constructor caused NullReferenceException
  • Unhandled null reference exception when tapping on a list of items
  • When a container was held it should not be selected in the OnManipulationCompleted handler


What’s Fixed:

  • Added SelectorStyle property to control the appearance of the selector part
  • Attempting to set RadDatePicker ValueChanged resulted in "Event handler is not valid" message
  • Null reference exception occurred on flicking to select a day


What’s Fixed:

  • BarIndicatorSegment now supports the Bindings infrastructure


What’s New:

What’s Fixed:

  • An exception was thrown when checking a data group while having a defined ItemCheckPath pointing to a property of the business object
  • An issue with CheckBoxes upon pressing the back key when group picker was displayed


What’s Fixed:

  • A problem with the DisplayMemberPath property


What’s New:

  • Allowed the users to pin the group header and thus be able to open the group picker at any time
  • Updated the UI to be Mango-like - e.g. stick the top group header
  • Implemented support for showing a sticky header on top of the viewport

What’s Fixed:

  • RadWindow did not work in an application that did not contain a single panel
  • WindowOpened/WindowClosed events fired before window was opened/closed. Also, WindowClosing fired twice
  • Check for a valid state upon root visual's ManipulationCompleted callback



  • Fixed: The collection is not properly initialized with one item
  • Fixed: When calling the Clear method the collection is reset but calling LoadItems does not re-initialize the collection
  • Fixed: LoadedItemsCount is not correctly calculated after collection reset


  • Fixed: NullReferenceException when the page containing the target element is unloaded upon navigation