Release History

By product

UI for Windows Phone 7 (discontinued) 2011.2920

September 20, 2011

Q2 2011 SP1

New Controls for Mango:


RadBulletGraph (Beta)

The Bullet Graph is extremely useful in dashboards, or just any report, because it allows end-users see progress, comparison of different measures and ranges at a glance. It presents how a single measure compares to other relative measures, how it fits in predefined ranges and whether this situation is good, satisfactory or bad.




What’s New (Mango only):

  • Added Palette support. Two built-in palettes: Contrast and Warm
  • Added support for negative values in Polar Charts
  • Added Virtualization for series which may visualize each data point through a DataTemplate – such as BarSeries
  • Replaced all reflection-based code in PropertyNameDataPointBinding with dynamically emitted delegates
  • Added support for default visuals rather than Templates in BarSeries, which boosted loading time and overall performance

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed a problem in PieSeries about rendering an ArcSegment, whose SweepAngle was larger than 359.99 degrees
  • Added missing ValueBinding property to PieSeries, allowing for MVVM data-binding
  • Fixed a bug in PieSeries where the maximum OffsetFromCenter point was not properly updated


What’s New (Mango only):

  • Added EnsureVisible semantic to display the currently selected item when opening the Popup list

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed a problem, causing an unhandled exception when setting empty ItemsSource and the control was in PopupMode
  • Fixed a problem, causing a LayoutCycleDetected exception when the control was added to a Pivot with two or more items
  • Fixed a problem that sometimes caused the control not to be displayed initially
  • The StateChanged event for Expanding/Collapsing states when in Popup mode is now properly raised


What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed a problem, causing improper size calculations upon page orientation change


What’s Fixed:

  • Control was not properly updated upon changing ItemWidth or ItemHeight properties


What’s New (Mango only):

  • Extended the localization support

What’s Fixed:

  • CollectionChanged and PropertyChanged events were not properly detached when specifying ObservableCollection of INotifyPropertyChanged instances as ItemsSource
  • The ItemTap event should fire when the user holds and then releases an item in the viewport for a longer time (hold operation)
  • Issue with setting the DataVirtualizationItemContent property


What’s Fixed:

  • An exception would be generated if two equal items are present in the animated ItemsControl


What’s Fixed:

  • The content of the window would “jump” when the window itself specifies an Application Bar
  • An exception would be generated if the window was not closed and the application was navigated to another page


What’s Fixed:

  • An exception would be thrown when adding a property group descriptor to the GroupDescriptors collection before the source collection was filled with data


What’s Fixed:

  • An exception would be thrown when the collection was not entirely filled with data and the count was reduced
  • A memory leak was caused when using a single instance of the collection with multiple list controls in the application


What’s Fixed:

  • When the IsRunning property is bound to a property from a view-model, the binding would be reset when setting different type of animation


What’s Fixed:

  • When trying to open a XAML file in Expression Blend that had DateSelector with event handler attached for one of its ValueChanging/ed events the designer got broken


What’s Fixed:

  • When trying to open a XAML file in Expression Blend that had TimeSelector with event handler attached for one of its ValueChanging/ed events the designer got broken