Design and Project Metro templates + VS Wizard - more than 50 design Metro templates including page templates and content templates, saving tremendous amount of time. On top of that you get a VS wizard helping you configure your app’s entire infrastructure. What’s left is filling it with your app’s content.
The StartsWithAutoCompleteProvider did not correctly calculate the filtered range's length
When setting the IsItemHighlighted attached property to an element without defining highlight style a null ref. was thrown
The Content property could not be set from Style
When horizontaly oriented the month selector should be smaller - like in the device
When using ItemTemplateSelector, the correct template was not reevaluated when the selected date was changed
Vertical Axis title should be automatically rotated
DesiredTickCount property would enter an endless loop if no data is specified
Indicators were skipped when determining the IsEmpty state of the chart
DataPoint virtualization would not work properly when vertical zoom is applied
The Toolltip is not displayed properly when PanOffset was applied
The PanOffset property could not be applied until the control was loaded
PanOffset not applied correctly while the control was not loaded
Minimum and Maximum of NumericalAxis could not be set to 0
Brings the Metro conversation experience to your app.
Pull to refresh
When using an extended source collection with a AddRange method and a defined ItemCheckedPath property, clearing the collection and adding new items via AddRange would not correctly populate the checked items collection
Made the control update its visual state when the last Removed animation ended upon collection reset or clear. Disabled the manipulation on the ScrollViewer when in NoData state
Fixed issues with visual containers overlapping when using animations and removing items from the source collection
A NullReferenceException was thrown when using public API of the control when the style was not applied and thus no VirtualizationStrategy was initialized
Bug with animation Ended event handling when animations were assigned from static resources
Fixed issue with Item Added Animation not being played for batch scenarios when binding in unloaded mode
Null reference exception in TiltInteractionInfo.Clear(bool animate)
Setting EmptyContent from Style was not possible
When scrolling too fast realized items are offset in a way that caused the realization of too many containers
When batch add animation was scheduled and the viewport size changed animations were not played
Flickering caused by setting Clip to the control
When Item Animations were defined and the source collection was reset with larger one viewport measurements were not correctly calculated
Item animations not played correctly when adding items to the end of the source with defined footer/data virtualization indicator
When realizing items in unloaded mode layout of the items was messed up
Issue when having a Header and calling BringIntoView for the last item exactly after binding the ListBox
Default height was 49 px, while the default height of a textbox was 50x.
When switching between looping enabled or not according to the time step: the new IsLoopingEnabled value was not calculated in the same way on the places where it was needed
An ArgumentOutOfRange exception was thrown when updating the Step in unloaded mode when no visual children were created in the date time lists
Fixed an issue preventing devs from setting EmptyContent from styles
Issue when having Step defined and MinValue in a combination that made some Step clamped values out of bounds
When the year was next after the one in the min value, and the month and day were selected to be the same as in the min value, selecting day, smaller than the one in the min value caused wrong behavior
Template bindings for the ItemTemplateSelector property were missing
When updating the step behavior in unloaded mode with applied template, the logical count was not correctly updated
If ApplicationUsageHelper.Init() was called in ApplicationLaunching and the application was tombstoned, when it was activated an exception was thrown that ApplicationUsageHelper was not initialized
AddDebugInfo method to not print in Output window
When HandleUnhandledException was false a diagnostic report could not be sent
ArgumentOutOfRange exception when including big screenshot
A button that can have different images for pressed and unpressed states. The ImageButton control is a button which can include an image. When the button gets pressed or disabled this is also reflected in the image. The control can have different images provided for the different states or only one, which would be used as an opacity mask, in order to be able to
reflect the change in the visual states. RadImageButton inherits from the Button class, so it has all the functionality of the default button and all of its properties and events as a base.
Issue with the GetItemCount implementation: when header and footer were defined, the GetItemCount method did not perform the right calculations
When a DataDescriptor source was changed with instance of a collection that isn't ObservableCollection, an exception was thrown due to a wrong cast
Groups could not be checked/unchecked if the IsCheckModeEnabled was false and IsCheckModeActive was true
RadListSource issues with renaming data descriptor key on an item that was set as current
When tapping on a Sticky Header with different template containing controls that might receive input - the group picker was always opened
In auto check mode when selecting the checkbox, the group picker was shown instead of check/uncheck the group
NullReferenceException if LayoutTransform was set before Content
The Size of the ListItems didn’t reflect changes in the BorderThickness
OnManipulationCompleted - there was no check if the event was handled
Selected value was not shown when collapsed- 'No selection' printed
The inline portion was not highlighted when tapping with finger
Centered Item Alignment and Snap Offset Correction
When the size of the control was changed the centered item should be repositioned
RepeatIntervalDecrementStep property not working
Timer not stopped because of missing OnManipulationCompleted event in Trial Reminder QSF Example
When the PaginationControl changed its PageProvider before the template was applied the IndexLabel was not calculated correctly
An image that allows you to pan and zoom.
Transition Completed events
OrientationChanged events
IsPopupOpened was not updated to the previous value in case the Opening/Closing event was canceled
SelectedValue and SelectedValuePath support
Pull to refresh
Content overlay
SelectedItem incorrectly cleared in OnItemsSourceChanged
ItemsSource changes were not handled properly
When used with Caliburn.Micro the manipulation behavior was not properly attached
Extends the standard TextBox with header, watermark, validation and buttons. The RadTextBox control extends the standard TextBox and provides additional functionality like header and watermark. It also has two buttons: Clear Button and Action Button. The ClearButton is visible only when the text box is not empty and is used to delete the whole text.
The ActionButton can be used for any other purpose like search, browse, etc. The RadTextBox also includes validation and can display a different message depending on the ValidationState: Valid, Invalid, Validating and NotValidated.
When no CommandParamter was set the first call to CanExecute had null passed as a parameter and not with IsChecked's value
The events in ToggleSwitch were fired before the binding of the IsChecked property updated its source