Release History

By product

Data Access Free 2015.1225

February 24, 2015


  • Artificial runtime-generated assemblies can be reused - Added the ability to reuse existing runtime-generated artificial assemblies when the defined artificial types are the same. This feature will result in less redundant assemblies that are generated on the disk and should improve the performance of scenarios involving multiple artificial data models.
  • Introduced option to enable/disable saving artificial assemblies on the disk - You can use RuntimeConfiguration.WriteArtificialTypesToDisk to control whether any runtime-created assemblies will be written to the disk or kept just in memory.


  • Removed potential unhandled NullReferenceException - In certain LINQ queries involving usage of EXISTS and temporary tables there was a scenario that would cause NullReferenceException.
  • Wrong detection of GetObjectByKey when using LINQ query with filter by the primary key and a boolean flag - Queries like context.Orders.Single(o => o.OrderId == id && o.IsActive) previously would result in incorrect behavior because the boolean filter was ignored.