Attributes Editor for Visual Designer - Using the new Attributes Editor, any valid attribute can be added to persistent classes or their properties. Support for custom attributes is included.
Attributes Model Operation - A new operation is added to the Model Operations dialog, allowing for attributes to be added to a large group of classes or properties.
Serializable entities code generation - Telerik Data Access now is able to generate all the code required for binary searilization and deserialization. In addition to the [Serializable] attribute, if this feature is enabled through the Model Settings dialog each entity would automatically implement ISerializable interface.
Support of ICollection.Contains(T) and Enumerable.Contains(IEnumerable,T) in LINQ projection - ICollection.Contains(T) and Enumerable.Contains(IEnumerable,T) are now supported in the LINQ projection expressions, so that they become usable in group aggregate expressions.
Code Generation: Problem with some parameter names containing '_' for stored procedures and functions - When the parameter name contains an underscore and is invalid without that symbol, escaping it generates invalid SQL. Now Telerik Data Access will no longer remove that symbol when it is valid for the particular backend.
Runtime: NullReferenceException when second level cache cluster is used in a setup with clients using different metadata and an object with internal identity is evicted - Now the distributed L2 cache is functioning properly when participating servers have similar, but not identical metadata.
Runtime: Attempting to read unsigned value stored in some backends resulting in a System.OverflowException - Reading unsigned numeric columns (like ushort) will no longer cause System.OverflowException when loading data from a database supporting unsigned types.
Runtime: When calling GetMemberNames() on entity type with internal version column, voa_version member unexpectedly returned - GetMemberNames() method in the OpenAccessContext is no longer returning internal version column (voa_version) for types using ConcurrencyControl.Version.
Runtime: OpenAccessContext.GetMemberNames() not returning members defined in base types - OpenAccessContext GetMemberNames() API now returns members defined in base type(s) of the current type.
Schema Migration: Exception caused by index creation for varchar(MAX) columns - Telerik Data Access will no longer try to automatically create database indexes over non-indexable data types (e.g. varchar(MAX), nvarchar(MAX), blob and etc.) when creating or migrating database schema.
VistaDB 5 used by default in the connection dialogs - VistaDB 5 provider is added to the supported database providers in Add New Connection dialog
VistaDB5: Wrong provider name used when adding an empty Fluent Model - Now empty Fluent Models targeting VistaDB will have the correct provider name (System.Data.VistaDB5) generated.
NuGets: The old OpenAccess ORM packages are deprecated and are not updated any more - The old OpenAccess.* NuGet packages not be uploaded any more. All projects using them should be migrated to their corresponding Telerik.DataAccess.* packages:
OpenAccess.Core -> Telerik.DataAccess.Core
OpenAccess.CodeFirst - > Telerik.DataAccess.Fluent
OpenAccess.CodeFirst.Sample -> Telerik.DataAccess.Fluent.Sample
With this last release of the old OpenAccess.* packages, they are made dependent on the latest Telerik.DataAccess.* packages without specifying a version.
Samples Kit
The Open Documentation... command in the Samples tab opens links to the relevant online documentation - Currently the Open Documentation... command is not only a link to the local HTML tutorial for a sample, but in the absence of a tutorial links to the related online documentation.
Some links in "Community -> Resources" not working. - Broken links in the Samples Kit Browser resources are fixed.
The script of the Spatial Data sample did not create a primary key for the Location table. - The primary key is now included for the table.