The designer gives you the ability to map your databases on a specially designed graphical surface as well as perform modifications to the mapping process and the domain model.
Some of the features included in the designer are:
The DSL Designer a specialized visual editor that visualizes the mapped classes and their relationships. You can interact with them with simple point-and-click. The designer offers a contextual menu for the most used operations; zoom in/out functionality, export to image, etc.
Mapping Details Editor specify the class and association mappings required for the runtime. The tool can configure class inheritance and stored procedures for CUD operations for the classes updates.
Schema Explorer – shows the relational layer from the database in a hierarchical order; specify which elements should be mapped to or removed from the conceptual part of the domain model; allows for drag and drop mapping.
‘Update From Database Model’ Wizard shows the difference between the database content and the relational layer of the actual model in terms of what is still missing, should be removed or modified in the model. From there you can insert unmapped tables, views or stored procedures into your domain model. It uses an unique approach that can show all the details (differences, etc) in the compared models.
Entity Diagram Explorer shows the conceptual layer of the model, or the classes that will be generated. It contains the same information that is in the designer but in a hierarchical order. Modifications of their basic properties and operations are allowed through the standard properties window.
Model Settings Dialog allows for fine tuning the behavior of your domain model by allowing you to specify naming, code generation, caching and concurrency control settings.
Toolbox Items allow you to perform the basic drag and drop mapping, set table relationships and inheritance as well as insert comment.
Validation Rules help validate your model once you are finished working with it and eliminate mistakes like missing primary keys.
Support for VistaDB
Added support for the embedded SQL database engine VistaDB
Data Services Wizard
The wizard is no longer a separate installation but is fully integrated in Telerik OpenAccess ORM Q1 2010.