March 1, 2007
What’s New in RadControls for ASP.NET Q4 2006 Service Pack 2:
RadAjax v1.6.2
What’s Fixed:
RadCalendar v2.0.2
What’s New:
What’s Fixed:
RadChart v3.0.2
What’s New:
Important, please read carefully:
Breaking changes:
RadChart has been evolving into a separate charting engine that will be used both by the Telerik WinForms, ASP.NET and Reporting suites. The first step in this direction is to move several classes to a separate namespace. The affected classes are:
enum AxisVisibility
class ChartAlignedLabel
class ChartAxis
class ChartAxisItem
class ChartAxisItemCollection
class ChartAxisLabel
enum ChartAxisLayoutStyle
enum ChartAxisVisibleValues
class ChartBackground
abstract class ChartBaseGridlines
class ChartBaseLabel
class ChartBasicLabel
enum ChartGridlineLayoutStyle
class ChartGridlines
enum ChartHAlignment
class ChartHorizontalGridlines
class ChartLegend
class ChartLegendItem
enum ChartLegendItemMark
class ChartLegendItemsCollection
enum ChartLinesPenStyle
enum ChartLocation
class ChartMargins
class ChartPlotArea
enum ChartPointMark
enum ChartPosition
class ChartRectShape
class ChartRotatingLabel
class ChartSeries
class ChartSeriesCollection
class ChartSeriesCustomPaletteCollection
class ChartSeriesItem
class ChartSeriesItemCollection
enum ChartSeriesLegendDisplayMode
class ChartSeriesLegendSettings
enum ChartSeriesOrientation
class ChartSeriesPalette
class ChartSeriesPaletteCollection
enum ChartSeriesType
class ChartShape
enum ChartTextDirection
class ChartTitle
class ChartTitlesCollection
enum ChartVAlignment
enum ChartValueFormat
class ChartVerticalGridlines
class ChartXAxis
class ChartXAxisLabel
class ChartYAxis
class ChartYAxisLabel
enum ChartYAxisStyle
enum ContentHorizontalAlign
enum ContentVerticalAlign
class Corners
enum CornerType
enum DrawType
class EmptySeriesMessage
enum FillStyle
class FillTypeSettings
enum GradientFillStyle
interface IBorder
interface IChartComponent
interface IColors
interface IGradientFill
interface IHatchFill
enum ImageAlign
class ImageMap
class ImageMapConverter
enum ImageMode
enum ImageQuality
interface IMapAreaBuilder
interface IRectangular
interface ITextureFill
class LegendDataTable
enum LegendItemsPositionType
class PaletteElement
class PaletteElementCollectionEditor
enum PositionType
class SeriesAppearance
class SeriesLabel
class Shadow
enum TableRenderType
enum TextQuality
struct Unit
enum UnitType
class Values
enum YAxisType
If you are using any of them, please add a using (C#)/Imports (VB.NET) directive in your code.
The new namespace will require you to add another <%@ Register %> directive at the top of your .aspx and .ascx files. The RadChart-related directives should look like this:
<%@ Register TagPrefix="radc" Namespace="Telerik.Charting" Assembly="RadChart.NET2" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="radc" Namespace="Telerik.WebControls" Assembly="RadChart.Net2" %>
Property Name Changes:
RadChart.DataGroupsColumn becomes RadChart.DataGroupColumn
ChartBackground.ImageUrl becomes ChartBackground.BackgroundImage
RadComboBox v2.6.2
What’s New:
What’s Fixed:
RadEditor v7.0.2
What’s Fixed:
RadGrid v4.5.2
What’s New:
What’s Fixed:
RadMenu v4.2.2
What’s New:
What’s Fixed:
RadPanelBar v4.1.2
What’s New:
What’s Fixed:
RadRotator v2.5.2
What’s Fixed:
RadSpell v3.0.2
What’s Fixed:
RadSplitter v1.1.2
What’s Fixed:
RadTabStrip v3.4.2
What’s New:
What’s Fixed:
RadTreeView v6.1.2
What’s New:
What’s Fixed:
RadUpload v2.2.2
What’s New:
What’s Fixed:
RadWindow v1.7.2
What’s New:
What’s Fixed: