Release History

By product

UI for ASP.NET (discontinued) Q4 2006SP1

January 23, 2007

Common for all controls:

  1. Full support for Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX Official v1.0 Release

RadAjax v1.6.1

What’s New:

  1. Improvements on the loading panel logic.
  2. Optimizations on escaping response scripts.
  3. XmlHttpRequest is now passed in the OnRequestStart client event.
  4. Request.RawUrl is reintroduced due to customer requests.
  5. Request queuing is now turned on by default.

What’s Fixed:

  1. A problem with loading panels which caused them to not disappear in specific cases is now fixed.
  2. A couple of compatibility issues with Safari browser are now solved.
  3. AjaxManager no longer renders asp:panel as a table in FireFox and .NET 1.x.
  4. Loading panels now hide Select tags properly on IE6.

RadCalendar v2.0.1

What’s New:

  1. New Porperties: EnableMonthYearFastNavigation and FastNavigationSettings.EnableTodayButtonSelection (indicates whether the Today button - part of the FastNavigation popup- performs date selection or navigation only)
  2. New Client Side events: OnRowHeaderClick, OnColumnHeaderClick and OnViewSelectorClick
  3. Navigation can now be used when PresentationType="Preview" is set.

What’s Fixed:

  1. Clicking on a selected date in the calendar popup no longer unselects it (leaving the popup open) but just closes the popup.
  2. First week of the year no longer erroneously calculates Week 53 in some scenarios.
  3. Style attributes specified in the DayRender event handler are now persisted.
  4. CssClasses specified for header cells in the HeaderCellRender event handler are now taken into account.
  5. Client-side features are now working as expected when used inside an ASP.NET AJAX UpdatePanel under the Safari browser.
  6. ImagesBaseDir is now taken into account when used with skinned RadCalendar.
  7. Selecting boundary dates will no longer cause empty cells (when ShowOtherMonthsDays=false) to look selected in the next/previous months.
  8. RadDatePicker PopupButton is now properly aligned when SharedCalendar with Skin different than "Default" is used.
  9. RadTimePicker TimePopupButton issue with enabled Tracing is now fixed.
  10. DateFormat is culture-dependent now

RadChart v3.0.1

What’s New:

  1. Implement new shadows rendering engine and introduce shadows for Pie, Gantt, Bubble, Line, Bar, Spline and Bezier series
  2. User-defined color palettes are now included.
  3. Legend positioning style is now implemented.
  4. EMF support
  5. New point marks are now introduced.
  6. Background rounded corners are now introduced.
  7. Legend item marks are now updated.

What’s Fixed:

  1. Y Axis overlapping is now fixed.
  2. Horizontal bubble series drawing is now fixed.
  3. A couple of problems with the Visual Studio design-time wizard are now corrected.

RadComboBox v2.6.1

What’s Fixed:

  1. Tabbing out of the combobox, when AutoPostBack = True, AllowCustomText = True and MarkFirstMatch = True now correctly postbacks to the server when the item entered does not match any of the items in the list.
  2. In certain scenarios (for example updating a combobox with AjaxPanel from another control while there is a selected item in the combobox), RadComboBox now properly clears the highlighted item after highlighting another.

RadEditor v7.0.1

What’s Fixed:

  1. Document/Template Manager - when the Insert button is clicked immediately after an upload the selected item is now inserted as expected.
  2. The pasted content is now inserted in the exact cursor position in IE7.
  3. Find and Replace Dialog no longer causes unexpected browser crashes.
  4. RadSpell now uses its embedded skin instead of RadControls/Spell/Skins/Default skin.
  5. The Language property is now marked with [Localizable] attribute

RadGrid v4.5.1

What’s Fixed:

  1. ClientSettings.Scrolling.ScrollWidth is working as expected when set as percentage.
  2. OnRowSelected now behaves as expected in all scenarios.
  3. DeselectRow now properly removes selected style from the row.
  4. EditFormSettings are now properly cloned in self-referencing hierarchy.
  5. ItemCommand is no longer called twice when filtering is used.
  6. Page.IsValid is no longer called before Page.Validate() for Update and PerformInsert commands.
  7. Advanced pager textboxes now accept only numeric input.
  8. All grid images now correctly resolve “~”
  9. Loading templates are working as expected with SELECT elements in IE 6.
  10. Tooltips for HierarchyLoadMode="Client" are now corrected.
  11. Sort Expressions and GroupBy Expressions are now properly applied in self-referencing hierarchy.
  12. Number Pad keys are now working as expected for Advanced pager.
  13. Client-side rows are now longer selected after deselecting all check boxes and post back.
  14. First page now behaves as expected when in virtual scrolling mode.
  15. An exception when ShowStatusBar = True in an unbound grid is now fixed.
  16. Gridlines are now properly set when Skin is not ”None”.
  17. GridDropDownColumn Null reference exception with nullable types is now fixed.
  18. GridClientSelectColumn now works as expected in detail tables.
  19. QueryStrings are no longer lost in AJAX mode

RadMenu v4.2.1

What’s Fixed:

  1. Fixed a problem with ClickToOpen – once clicked an item is now able to be opened again (non-top level items).
  2. A couple of RTL issues are now fixed.
  3. The menu no longer postbacks when the user clicks the image of a disabled menu item (IE context menu mode only).

RadPanelBar v4.1.1

What’s Fixed:

  1. A problem with some items disappearing in FireFox under specific scenarios is now fixed.

RadSpell v3.0.1

What’s Fixed:

  1. DialogHandler - added a Language directive to the page, to avoid an exception saying that the IRequiresSessionState is already declared by the base class. The problem appeared only in VB.NET applications, when the DialogHandler was not registered in web.config.
  2. LocalizationPath property now works as expected.
  3. DialogHandler - when not registered in web.config, in .NET 2.0 the global themes no longer throws an exception saying that a <head runat=server> is missing.
  4. OnClientDialogClosing event is now raised after applying the changes to the TextSource.

RadSplitter v1.1.1

What’s Fixed:

  1. Pane.InitiallyCollapsed behavior is now fixed
  2. Splitter.OffsetHeight and collapsed pane after postback problem is now fixed
  3. A problem with sliding panes in IE7 is now fixed.

RadTabStrip v3.4.1

What’s New:

  1. Implemented a new property EnableImmediateNavigation - when set to false the tabstrip falls back to its older behavior of selecting tabs

What’s Fixed:

  1. A more friendly error message is now shown when the PageView is not inside a RadMultiPage control
  2. A problem with pageviews in a hierarchical tabstrip is now fixed.
  3. Navigation now behaves as expected when the Target property of the tab is set.
  4. OnClientTabSelected is now properly fired when the tabstrip navigates (AutoPostback = true or navigation using NavigateUrl).
  5. A couple of issues are now fixed in some of the skins.

RadToolBar v1.4.1

What’s Fixed:

  1. Toolbar button with causesvalidation=false no longer postbacks in ASP.NET AJAX Update Panel.

RadTreeView v6.1.1

What’s Fixed:

  1. RetainScrollPosition is now fixed.

RadUpload v2.2.1

What’s New:

  1. GetRadProgressArea and GetRadProgressManager client-side functions are now implemented.
  2. New client-side event OnClientSubmitting in RadProgressManager, which is raised before form submission and can cancel it.
  3. Improvement on help resources.

What’s Fixed:

  1. LocalizationPath property now behaves as expected.
  2. RadProgressArea - incorrect formatting of the estimated time in some cases is now fixed.

RadWindow v1.7.1

What’s Fixed:

1. The state, template, etc. values are now rendered in a input type="hidden" instead of a textarea control to prevent problems with the Jaws reader.